Date of source: Monday, April 19, 2021
American President Joe Biden’s decision to completely withdraw American military forces from Afghanistan by this upcoming September 11 has serious implications. It is the end of an era that began with the 9/11 terrorist attacks and had witnessed the American invasion of Afghanistan, the war on...
Date of source: Wednesday, September 11, 2019
In the immediate wake of the September 11th attacks, Manāl ʿIzzat, a Muslim American engineer at the Pentagon, the headquarters for the American Department of Defense, felt great pain and sadness due to the reactions of her colleagues at the Pentagon. As she walked the halls, she used to hear her...
Date of source: Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Dr. Maḥmūd Zaqzūq, Egypt’s former Minister of Endowments and Secretary-General of the Egyptian Family House (EFH), called for a clear and comprehensive definition of terrorism to be agreed upon by all international institutions, pointing out that terrorism is an illicit use of violence aimed at...
Date of source: Friday, December 1, 2006
Ayman Muḥammad Rabīʿ al-Ẓawāhirī is a Muslim who claims that he is committed to bring the golden age of the caliphate back, and advocates a violent means of jihād to achieve his objectives. His own native country Egypt, along with many other countries, considers him a terrorist. During the 1990s,...
Date of source: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Karen Armstrong comments on the present world status and calls for dialogue among religions.
Date of source: Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The author talks about the Western attacks against Islam and the role of the Zionist state in defaming the image of Islam.
Date of source: Sunday, August 26, 2007
The article considers to what extent political Islam movements have influenced religious intolerance.
Date of source: Sunday, July 1, 2007
The author discusses the increasing trend of radical Islam. He comments on how it is in actuality doing more damage to the Arab world than it is helping it.
Date of source: Saturday, May 19, 2007
Sahar Diyā’ al-Dīn interviews Dr. Walīd ‘Abd al-Nasir, head of the Institute for Diplomatic Studies at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and discusses a number of issues including the September 11 attacks.