Displaying 161 - 170 of 315.
The author pointed out the many moral principles of Islam, stressing that what is said in the Western media about Islam being a religion that encourages aggression, extremism, fanaticism, killing and terrorism is a baseless calumny. He added that the recent attacks in America are a hateful crime...
Rev. Ikram Lama’i believes that the dilemma the USA is going through has four angles: historical, linguistic, civilizational and theological. He expressed the opinion that for America to get itself out of all these dilemmas, it should reconsider its actions and go back to the real principles of the...
Bishop Yohanna Qulta commented on the anxiety and the fear our world is living in today, on the many questions about the future and on the relationships between peoples and religions. He stressed that religions can play a great role in reformulating the now chaotic moral values of the world.
The article is a statement by the Head of the Evangelical Church in Egypt. In this statement, he stresses that the Evangelical Church with all its churches prays to God for peace, achieving justice, removal of suffering and for giving wisdom to all leaders and officials all over the world.
The Americans use a pattern of freedom different from all other societies. They consider their country to be a dream world. However, the events of September 11 transformed this pattern into one similar to the countries of the third world, which is increased frustration, lost freedom and a confused...
The author is of the opinion that the events of September 11 made America lose its dignity-which is the reason for its hastiness in carrying out any military attack against any body, hoping that such an attack may wipe out the memory of the attacks on September 11. He stressed that because America...
The author expressed his surprise at the fact that while Arabs and Muslims condemn the West’s tendency to accuse all Muslims and Arabs of being criminals once an Arab and or a Muslim commits a crime, they behaved as if they had been accused and hurried to apologize for something they had not done.
The article is a comment on a message sent to the author to the effect that the executers of the attacks in America should have been Muslims as Muslims are the only group willing to die for the sake of their beliefs. The author refuted this opinion. He also expressed the opinion that American...
The author is of the opinion that the attacks in America were against Arabs and Muslims not against Americans as they brought to life the scenario of attacking everything Arabic and Islamic. They brought back to life what is known in the West as Islamophobia. He does not think that the Islamic...
The author is of the opinion that the reasons for the assaults on Muslims and Arabs after the attacks in the USA are to be found in the inability of Americans, whose views seem to be deeply effected by the American media, which tends to superficialize matters and look for excitement, to face the...


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