Displaying 191 - 200 of 315.
The author comments on what he believes is a US attack on Islam that started with the disaster on September 11.
The Islamic World Union renewed its condemnation of the terrorist operations which the world witnessed in the last few years. The union issued a statement about its activities in combating terrorism, in commemoration of the September 11 attacks.
The author comments on the negative effects of the attacks of September 11 on Islam and Muslims. He also argued associating Islam with terrorism is an unjust accusation. Still, he believes that the West is not to be blamed for its perspective on Islam. Actually, Muslims should blame themselves for...
The writer presents an overview of two books: First, “The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror” by Bernard Lewis. Second, “Al Qa´ida And What It Means To Be Modern” by John Gray.
The article is an overview of a new book by the Gama´a Al-Islamiya about the wrong ideologies of the Qa´ida.
The article is an overview of foreign press reports about the accusation that Tareq Ramadan, grand child of Hassan Al-Banna, has a connection with Bin Laden´s network.
The article discusses the Egyptian-Iranian deal to hand over a number of Egyptian-Afghans who have been living in Iran for more than six years. It also mentions the Iranian veto against handing Ayman Al-Zawahri, the second most important man in the Qa´ida and Khalid Al-Islamboli, the brother...
The article is an interview with Abdel Raziq Al-Maqri who represents the Algerian radical opposition movement, which believes in the necessity of accepting others. He comments on the impact of the September 11 attacks on Islamic movements and extremist groups
Pakistani authorities declared that they detained an Egyptian fundamentalist and seized with him a videotape in which Usama Bin Laden threatens to launch new attacks on the US. He was seized on the Afghani-Pakistani border while trying to deliver the tape to the Qatari Jazira channel. On the other...
London overlooked extremist fundamentalists in the 1990´s. When they started to make trouble, it passed a law allowing detaining them without a trial. London ignored requests for extraditing terrorists to their native countries until two Muslim militants launched attacks in Britain. The...


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