Displaying 21 - 30 of 59.
The recent arrest of Khaled Sheikh Muhammad, who is accused of being the mastermind of September 11 attacks, showed that handing over terrorist leaders to official authorities became a special kind of business that brings a lot of money.
The Egyptian Supreme Military Court renewed the jail of eight defendants in the lawsuit of Gund Allah [God’s Soldiers] for 15 days pending further investigations. The case involves 43 defendants regarded as one of the cells of the Jihad group.
Supreme State Security Court endorsed a sentence issued against fundamentalist Ahmed Abdel Hafez, member of the Jihad group, in absentia in 1992. He fled for more than 15 years and was later extradited to Egypt by Bosnia.
The Emirates handed Cairo over fundamentalist Muhammad Sharif, known as Abu Al-Farag Al-Masri. Al-Masri is a member of the Jihad Organization, led by Dr. Ayaman Al-Zawhari. He was the imam of a mosque in the Emirates.
Egyptian security authorities arrested 15 persons members of a new group affiliated with Al-Takfir wa Al-Higra [accusation of unbelief and immigration] organization in Alexandria. On the other side, the Supreme Military Court decided to extend the jail time 15 days for two of the defendants in the...
The Supreme State Security Prosecution sentenced Nabil Ahmed Suleiman, member of the Jihad Organization, to five years imprisonment with hard labor in the case of assassinating president Sadat in 1981.
The military court extended the detention of five fundamentalist members of the Jihad and the Gama´a Al-Islamiya groups. On other hand, the Brotherhood decided not to nominate their prominent leader, Seif Al-Islam, in the coming sub-election in Cairo.
Egyptian security bodies investigate 14 members of the Jihad organization over the charges of forming a group with the aim of committing destructive activities and overthrowing the established regime. At the same time, investigations are conducted with members in Gund Allah and Hizb Allah groups.
State Security Prosecution issued an order to extend the detention of Dr. Yasser Al-Borhani for 15 days pending investigations. Al-Borhani is accused of leading a group to revive the activities of Al-Takfir wa Al-Higra group.
A presidential decree has been enacted to refer 43 terrorists belonging to the Jihad group to the military judiciary. The leader of the group made detailed confessions concerning the group’s terrorist plans.


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