Date of source: Saturday, January 22, 2000 to Friday, January 28, 2000
Some people may wonder why these lines are written?! The reason is simply something that happened during the first day of the Eid Al-Fitr. ... I have nothing to say to those who call themselves the Muslim Brotherhood but "Stop harming our good Islam! Because when you commit a crime, the Western...
Date of source: Saturday, December 25, 1999
Nobody ever thought that the young man dressed in a suit and tarboush [head cover used widely in Egypt until the 1950’s], sitting in a cafe in [the city of] Ismailia with some of his friends, would be the founder of the biggest violent group in Egypt throughout the twentieth century. That was in...
Date of source: Saturday, November 6, 1999
Secrecy in the Muslim Brotherhood which makes its members totally obedient to the organization. The logo of the Brotherhood has a Qur’an with two swords, an indication of violence, and members’ belief that the Brotherhood’s war is a holy one by linking the two swords and the Qur’an with the early...
Date of source: Thursday, November 4, 1999
The government referred 20 suspected members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to military prosecutors on Monday, nearly two weeks after they were arrested in the biggest crackdown on the group in four years. The accused are charged with "disseminating the ideas of the banned group, endangering...
Date of source: Saturday, October 30, 1999
What does the Brotherhood have that scares the government? One of the deputies of the General Guide of the Brotherhood is a Syrian. How can Egyptian’s accept this, the paper asks. The arrests of major members of the Brotherhood have caused an internal turmoil. Some Brothers see the crackdown as a...
Date of source: Saturday, October 23, 1999
The detention of 20 leading union figures suspected of belonging to the banned Muslim brotherhood was generally considered an attempt to weaken the Brotherhood’s position in the forthcoming union elections.
Date of source: Thursday, October 21, 1999
In a continuing clampdown on the clandestine Muslim Brotherhood, security forces on Thursday detained 20 alleged members of the group. Sixteen of the Islamist leaders were picked up as they held a meeting in the Maadi office of the Engineering Organizations’ Union. Others were arrested at their...
Date of source: Thursday, October 21, 1999
Egyptian authorities launched an unprecedented crackdown against Brotherhood activists in the professional syndicates on October 14, ending a four-year unofficial truce the state had maintained with some of the organization’s more prominent and dynamic members.
Date of source: Saturday, October 23, 1999
After Egypt recovered from the terrorism whose first seed was planted by the Brotherhood, the latter are back once again playing the same old game, trying to penetrate society’s civil foundations in lawful and legitimate ways.
Date of source: Wednesday, September 8, 1999
Egyptian security forces arrested and detained three suspected members of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement on August 28, bringing the total number of suspected brothers rounded up in raids across the country in August alone, to nearly 30.