Displaying 21 - 30 of 43.
A good dialogue within the society should be a productive one, meaning that it should not be an ideological debate in which each party seeks to defend his point of view correctly or incorrectly. The author discusses the ideas of Muslim Brotherhood leader Dr. Esam el-Erian.
A program aired by the ART [Arab Radio and Television] channel hosted both the author and Dr. Essam Al-Erian, a brotherhood member, to discuss the issue of the report which Sawt Al-Umma published about the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood contracting Alzheimer. The host of the program...
Egyptian authorities arrested 14 Muslim Brotherhood leaders. A distinguished member of the group said that while the Arab and Islamic nation is facing an external danger, the group was hoping that the Egyptian government would work on keeping and preserving the internal front by recognizing the...
The article gives a brief overview of the history of Mustafa Mashhour, late general guide of the Brotherhood, with the group. The role he played in re-creating the Brotherhood is not less significant than the role of Hassan Al-Banna, its founder.
Brotherhood member Mokhtar Nuh wants to be a link between the Brotherhood and the government and developed a plan to stop clashes between both parties. The Brotherhood should not arrouse the fear of the government.
A symposium on "the secularization of the state," organized under the aegis of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, has turned into a Coptic-Muslim Brotherhood debate on canceling the second article of the Egyptian constitution, which makes Islam the state religion, and Islamic sharī‘a the...
The author reviews a book that tackles the history of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, particularly during the 1970s.
The author provides a commentary on the Muslim Brotherhood, criticizing its actions and beliefs, and warning that it is gaining substantial ground toward becoming the political leaders of perhaps multiple Arab nations.
A meeting was held to probe ways to modernize the Egyptian society through joint cooperation between young Muslim and Christian people, and to revive the spirit of camaraderie between them.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s murshid [guide], Mahdī Muhammad ‘Ākif said that insinuations about alleged relations between the Brotherhood and the United States are just nonsense.


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