Displaying 31 - 35 of 35.
The article gives an account and a brief history of the most influential contemporary figures of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, particularly those in the Irshād [Guidance] Office.
Commenting on reported attempts by the Muslim Brotherhood to appease Egypt’s Copts, Coptic thinker Samīr Marqus has described the "banned” group’s dialogue with Copts as useless and of no practical value.
Muhammad Habīb, the deputy murshid, commenting on Murshid cĀkif’s statements that the Muslim Brotherhood would respect existing treaties between Israel and Egypt, said any agreement concluded by a state "is not Qur’ān. It is human action that is subject to review.”
The author is of the opinion that Brotherhood is like a magician playing card tricks with legitimacy: democracy slogans in elections, planning conspiracies against it in secret, using the media to build Brotherhood hierarchies to spread their ideas and manipulating people’s minds and beliefs.
The government referred 20 suspected members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to military prosecutors on Monday, nearly two weeks after they were arrested in the biggest crackdown on the group in four years. The accused are charged with "disseminating the ideas of the banned group, endangering...


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