Date of source: Sunday, February 27, 2011
AWR was pleased to cooperate with Encounter, a program of ABC radio, Australia. For the interviews and transcript of ABC please check this address:
Date of source: Monday, March 7, 2011
My fifteen years living in Egypt has given me a lot of connections, including Egyptian diplomats, who are now providing me with stories about current developments in Egypt. It is very common among diplomats that they are ready to give visitors an off the record insight in what is happening in their...
Date of source: Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Muslim Brotherhood has announced in a statement that it plans to form a political party after the amendment of the constitution and the unrestricted formation of political parties is permitted.
It has also asked the armed forces to set a timetable for the constitutional amendments and for...
Date of source: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Egyptian religious establishment adhered to its position of favoring stability and opposing the spread of chaos and sabotage. It has also supported the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and the five communiqués it has issued since it took over following the stepping down of President Ḥusnī...
Date of source: Sunday, February 13, 2011
As part of its interaction with the protests and demonstrations, the Muslim Brotherhood group issued a statement in which it said that the regime’s reaction to popular demands will determine how long the dialogue will last. This was a reference to the dialogue to which Vice President ‘Umar Sulaymān...
Date of source: Thursday, February 10, 2011
According to the Pew Research Center, US media attention for the Egyptian protests has exceeded every foreign policy story over the last four years, commanding 56% of all news coverage. While initially surprising, upon reflection this story hits at the conjunction of many popular flashpoints:...
Date of source: Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman: Dr. Michael Burslem (78) is a retired Canadian medical doctor and is a longtime friend of mine. He and his wife usually spend the winter months in Cairo when weather is substantially more pleasant in Egypt then in Canada and they spend the summers in Canada when...
Date of source: Monday, February 28, 2011
Press release AI index: MDE 12/023/2011
Amnesty International today welcomed proposals to repeal emergency-style powers in the Egyptian constitution, but cautioned that the Egyptian authorities must take immediate action to lift the state of emergency, and to ensure that women are part of any...
Date of source: Friday, January 21, 2011
The Egyptian Gazette reports that Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood groups says that the same reasons and motivations that caused the recent uprising in Tunisia are present in Egypt, as well.
They perceive the Tunisian developments as a message to oppressive Arab leaders and call the Egyptian government...
Date of source: Sunday, December 12, 2010
Muhammad Badī', the Muslim Brotherhood's general guide, threaten to pursue the parliament in front of the Supreme Administrative Court and the Supreme Constitutional Court to have verdicts issued that would render the parliament null and void.
He adds that the nation's will was rigged for the...