Displaying 791 - 800 of 1137.
Overview of Muhammad Emara´s “Heritage in the Light of Reason” in which he speaks about the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Supreme State Security Prosecution renewed the jail term of 14 persons for fifteen days pending further investigations on the charge of being members in the banned Muslim Brotherhood. It also renewed the jail term of 10 members of Al-Takfir wa Al-Hijra group for 15 days.
The author praises the anti-war demonstration which took place on February 27 at Cairo Stadium, believing that the Muslim Brotherhood played a key role in organizing it and rallying the large number of people who took part in it.
Since Ma´moun Al-Hudaiby resumed his office as general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, he did not appoint a deputy general guide. Brotherhood sources say that there is a conflict in the group over the position.
Considering himself a member of a moderate Islamic group, that is the Brotherhood, the author responses to an article accusing moderate Islamists of not being concerned about extremist organizations increasing in number because of Al-Qa´ida network.
Quotes from Dr. Muhammad Emara’s writings on the Muslim Brotherhood. He compares between the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic groups. He also gives reasons for his choice not to join the Brotherhood.
The Minister of Interior says that the Brotherhood wants to have a political role in spite of everybody’s well-being and that the Al-Qai’da Network announced it has plans for specific goals. He adds that the police thwarted a plan of the Jihad group and the court ruling on this case will be made...
The General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood paid a quick visit to the headquarters of the Nasserist Party. He denied the visit was to end dispute between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nasserist Party.
Egyptian authorities arrested 14 Muslim Brotherhood leaders. A distinguished member of the group said that while the Arab and Islamic nation is facing an external danger, the group was hoping that the Egyptian government would work on keeping and preserving the internal front by recognizing the...
The author cannot understand how debating an article of the constitution should jeopardize people’s faiths and beliefs. However, some groups insist that questioning the second article of the constitution would lead to a ‘blood bath’ in Egypt.


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