Displaying 601 - 610 of 769.
Saudi Arabia has an old relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood. Many Brotherhood members worked in Saudi Arabia as teachers in schools and universities. Many Brotherhood members also started businesses in Saudi Arabia, but by the 1990s, the relationship between the Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia...
Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi answers questions concerning the goals of holding dialogues with other religions, the relationship between religion and morality, and the difference in religion as perceived in Islamic law.
In his article “The stand of the Salafist Jihad trend toward the Muslim Brotherhood,” Kamal Habib from the Salafist Jihad, discloses the alliance between the jihadic trend “the symbolic reformer of bloody Islam” and the Muslim Brotherhood and all groups that have Islamic projects. This is a...
Dr. Saleh Ben Abdel Aziz Ale El-Sheikh, Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs, stated that his country is constantly working to deliver “Islam’s moderate message.” He added that his government suspended a small number of extremist lecturers from preaching at mosques. This came as part of the plan to...
I was very much astonished when Dr. Ayman Sabri Farag or Abu Gaffar Al-Masry Al-Kandahari told me “During the time of violent incidents in Upper Egypt, I felt very distressed. In his opinion, these incidents ‘tarnish the image of Islam and turn people away from it.’ These incidents do away with...
There are many sources of violence, among these sources: 1- Influence by non-Islamic movements and organizations that apply violence in order to realize their objectives. 2- Scientific and ideological failure in making a clear-cut distinction between the behavior of the unbelievers and the...
It became apparent to me that in four Arab countries, namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Lebanon, Islamists are a minority. This does not mean that they are not a majority in newspaper columns or on television screens, especially on satellite channels. But the fact that they are a majority in...
Today we finish this series of studies on the three heavenly [monotheistic] religions and how they forbid wars, violence, terrorism and oppression. Judaism as revealed by God is free of violence and fighting [The author implicitly suggest that modern Judaism is corrupted]. Christianity came as a...
Prominent scholar, Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi, raised anger in Moscow when he issued a fatwa that proclaimed the struggle of the Chechen people against the Russian state to be the best form of jihad for the sake of God. The president of the Russian deputies council, Doma, Alexander Choweiv, said that...
In a study published in Al-Manar [the Minaret] Magazine under the title “the transitions of the Egyptian Islamic movement and its future”, Dr. Kamal Al-Sa’id Habib, a political researcher and one of the founders of the Jihad group, reviews the history of the Islamic movement in Egypt since the...


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