Displaying 1171 - 1180 of 1446.
We should diagnose the issue of terrorism through deep analysis. We need to know the conditions that result in terrorism, which will differ from one country to another. We should stop attributing the problem to the religious discourse alone, but we should widen our circle of investigation and look...
It is very strange when you listen to Sheikh Al-Qaradawi, who claims he has issued 123 books on Islam and modern age and who is the main guest of several TV programs on Arab satellite channels. His ideas and way of thinking have raised several questions on his claims of moderate concept of Islam.
The movements of “political Islam” are primarily political pragmatic movements that have an underlying political project. Religion became only a cover used to rally the masses and fend off enemies as well as gain public opinion.
Many Muslim fundamentalists left Egypt for Europe, America and Asia. They were welcomed by their host countries, granted political asylum and even nationalities. These countries did not listen to Egyptian pleas to send them back until they were taken by surprise by their attacks.
Many Dutch complained openly that conservative Muslim immigrants were changing their society to the worse, while Muslims protested that they were being treated as aliens in their adopted country."Islam is here to stay, in this country, in this city," Job Cohen, the mayor of Amsterdam said. "We...
The generator of ugliness, hatred and cruelty, just like power generators, explodes under pressure, which is exactly the case of poor Muslims, who carry a heavy load of pressures from the clerics in our country.
The news about arresting terrorist suspects all over Europe and the US drew the attention to what is known as the dormant terrorist cells of al-Qā‘ida. Those cells share common impetuses: reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate, the detestation of the US and its policies towards the Arab world and the...
The British Guardian revealed the US Secretary of State’s refusal to accept State Department report that show increases in terrorism incidents around the world in 2004. She ordered the pessimistic statistics to be modified and omitted to spare the US any embarrassment.
The member states of the European Union joined the U.S in its willingness to open to and enter into a dialogue with Islamic currents described as moderate and have nothing to do with violence, with the object of paving the road for their participation in the democratic reform process urged by the...
The state is the sole beneficiary on the long run of making peaceful organized demonstrations a common practice.


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