Displaying 1391 - 1400 of 1446.
Fundamentalists, in particular the Islamist variety, relate to religious concepts, including the concept of Jihad, in an instrumentalist approach which is nearly always absolutist, that is, it entails an absolute assertion of one, generally de-contextualized, aspect of religion and a total...
The lawyer Montasser Al- Zayat is defending himself in this interview. He said that he is the lawyer of the Islamic groups, but this does not mean that he cooperates with them or approves everything they do.
The government is trying nowadays to carry out an insurance project for the foreign tourists to protect them against terrorism.
The Holy Qur’an gives a prominent place to the Copts among Christians. The Prophet Mohammed’s uncles and his son’s uncles are Copts.
A new book appeared in the French markets. It is dealing with terrorism and connecting it with the Islamic terrorism. The importance of this book is due to the importance of its author who is the head of the international observatory of terrorism.
The state honored the Coptic writer, Counselor Edward Ghali El-Zahabi, former Chief of the Court of State (hai’it Qadaya el-Dawla), an authority on the study of the rights of non-Muslims in an Islamic society, and a former member of the People’s Assembly, on the occasion of the Holy Mulid of the...
When general Habib El Adly took charge of the Ministry of Interior, he started a new security era. Some of his characteristics are calmness, self- confidence, objectivity and intelligence. General Habib El Adly is adopting the slogan " no one is above the law". The Minster also responded to...
An interview with the Minister of Interior about the security situation; releasing fundamentalist detainees, fighting terrorism, the minister’s refusal to meet with the Muslims Brothers, the branch of the F. B. I. in Cairo, Egypt’s attitude to Britain’s refusal to extradite terrorists.
Counselor Ma’moun el-Hudeiby, the spokesman of the Muslim Brothers assured that they are not responsible for those who dissociated themselves from the group. He assured that the Muslim Brothers refuses violence. He called the government not to return violence with violence. An interview.
A rare interview conducted in one of the secret camps of Usama Bin Laden by ABC News.


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