Displaying 181 - 190 of 1446.
Dr. Najuīb Jubrā’īl stated that his new complaint against Yāssir Burhāmī includes spreading incorrect news and stirring a sectarian strife after he called against having a Copt take on leadership position
The NCHR (National Council for Human Rights) has accused the author of the Human Rights Watch Report of deliberately ignoring any violations that ere conducted by the Muslim Brotherhood (such as cases of abduction and torture of people in the sit in and using them as human shields).
 The armed forces have continued its pursuit of terrorist groups in Sinai.
A number of Muslim Brotherhood member in al- Faiyum have announced organizing militias called “Faiyum Armed Battalions.”
The author opens his article with some lines that he published 11 years ago in Al-Ahrām Newspaper. These lines tell the story of two children, Bīshūy and Aḥmad, living in Shubrā al-Mazallāt. Bīshūy does not hesitate in extending his hand to Aḥmad to save him from drowning in the Nile River....
Ahmad al- Mughir, known publicly as the “man of Khairat al- Shāttir” has criticized those who attack Ansār Bayt al- Maqdis after its terrorist attacks.
In the post-colonial Arab and Islamic states, the political mentality and culture were dominated by two models that originated from different mental and cultural sources and led to similar results, including the consolidation of the unilateral view, the curtailment of differences, and the quest for...
The liberal Moroccan writer Saʿīd Nāshīd views that the pattern of religion inherited from the jurisprudence of the imperial ages is no longer convenient for the age of the nation state. What is more, it constitutes a direct threat to peace and security. In his interview with “Al-Dustūr”, Nāshīd...
Dr. Shawqī ‘Allām the muftī of Egypt has issued a new book by the name of the “Fatwás and Rulings for Women in Islam.”
One year ago, Egypt witnessed an unprecedented terror attack on her territory, urging, hence, to implement new mechanism in its war on terror, radical thought, deterring actions against extremism, leaving behind inherited tradition, and raising awareness. The victims of al-Rawḍa Mosque, who were...


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