Displaying 61 - 70 of 1446.
Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, Grand Mufti of Egypt, welcomed a high ranking American delegation led by John Barsa, head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Jonathan Cohen, American ambassador to Cairo, and Samah Norquist, chief advisor for international religious freedom at...
Saudi Arabia officially abolished the use of flogging as a form of punishment, as well as the death penalty for juniors last week. An important news event that didn’t get the coverage it deserves. A heated argument has long raged through the corridors of the United Nations, between those who think...
Seven years have passed since the 30th of June Revolution when the military responded to the desire of millions of Egyptians, who filled the squares, to take down the extremist regime that did not hesitate to “burn down Egypt” to achieve its interests.  Before the revolution, no one was spared from...
The Observatory of Takfiri Fatwas and Extremist Views affiliated with the Dār al-Iftāʾ of Egypt praised the operation that targeted and eliminated a terrorist nest in al-Amīrriyya neighborhood of Cairo. It added that Egypt has a security apparatus working at the highest professional standards,...
The young preacher, ‘Abdullāh Rushdī, did not expect that his muscles and his interest in his physical build would be a reason to put him under investigation by the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs and his exclusion from public speaking, preaching and giving religious lessons in mosques...
On Tuesday, the Egyptian security forces raided a terrorist enclave of seven operatives in al-Amīriyyah, Cairo. They were found in possession of six automatic rifles, four cartridges, and a large amount of various kinds of ammunition. The group was planning to conduct a series of armed operations...
The Ministry of Endowments banned the preacher, ʿAbdullāh Rushdī, from the imamate following a controversial post on Facebook in relation to the well-known heart surgeon Majdī Yaʿqūb. In the post ʿAbdullāh Rushdī spoke of the corrupted faith of Christians. 
A number of doctors in the Munira [al-Munīra] Hospital in Cairo threatened to resign after the death of the doctor Walīd Yaḥiyā who had been tested positive for the Coronavirus but did not receive sufficient treatment. Yaḥiyā’s death is not an individual case.  Within the last 24 hours four doctors...
The Orthodox Copts commemorated the return of the remnants of the 20 Coptic martyrs who were killed by members of ISIS in Libya in 2015. Prayers for the martyrs were held at home to limit the spread of Coronavirus. 
On February 15, the churches of Minya and Alexandria commemorated the “martyrs” killed five years ago in Libya by Dāʿish (the Islamic State) in 2015, after the Holy Synod dedicated February 15 as an annual day to celebrate “the feast of the new martyrs.”


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