Displaying 331 - 340 of 613.
Publisher: Uitgeverij Meinema, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (2009) Translator: Sandra Heijden Editor: Alexander Wamboldt The preface to Eildert Mulder and Thomas Milo’s 2009 book ’The Contested Sources of Islam’, where the authors introduce the four German revisionist historians whose theories...
The idea of enlightenment has the power to change a society and apply the dream of a civil society. In Egyptian society this would mean getting rid of both the Coptic and Islamic salafī way of thinking, which imposes fanaticism and rejects change, as well as getting rid of the religious state.
This article deals with the delicate issue of the wearing of the Niqab in France. Most in France disagree with the wearing of this certain veil because they fear it is a forced wearing by Islamic society, but is not actually the choice of the women wearing. The disagreements are fierce, and even...
This article gives a brief background on the various Christian communities in the Middle East, emphasizing the decline of the Christian population over the last century. This is a result of emigration to western Europe and America, driven by several factors, among them persecution
Al-Shurūq Al-Jadīd interviews Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī and asks him about the issues of the Muslim Brotherhood, Gaza and the Egyptian ruling system.
In spite of the governmental decision to cancel mūlids in Egypt, people celebrated many mūlids. Some Muslim mūlids were canceled while other Christian were permitted paving the way for heated arguments and fears of sectarian tension.
Although the author considers the existence of followers of different beliefs in an Egyptian city a good sign that makes the city one of God, her article concentrates on the bells of danger as a result of the promulgation of some beliefs in the city.
In spite of the governmental decision to cancel mūlids, Egyptians adhere to their religious traditions and turn a deaf ear to the decision. However, Lower Egyptian areas seem to be more complying.
Robeir al-Faris provides a round up of the Cairo press this month. He covers the case of the murder trial of Marwa al-Shirbīni which is taking place in Germany, looking in particular at an article written by Ibrāhīm Isá in al-Dustūr that reflects on the Egyptian reaction to the case. Al-Faris also...
Watani International analyses two recent issues that it sees as indicative of the increasing fanaticism in Egyptian society. The first is that of a fatwá that stated that it is a sin for Muslims to leave money in their wills to churches and the second is the case of 155 individuals who were...


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