Displaying 551 - 560 of 596.
Washington raised the issue of the Armenian massacre at the hands of the Turks in 1915. This led to a real conflict between America and Turkey regarding religious prosecution. Beside recounting the story of the massacre, the article tries to answer the question of " Why does America arouse this...
[Mulid is a popular religious festival on the anniversary of a venerated religious figure, usually held in the locality with which he or she is closely associated] Mar Girgis is the most famous religious figure whose day of death [the day he was reborn in eternal life] people celebrate. This is...
"How did the plight of exploiting religion start?" was the question answered by Dr. Rifa’at Al-Said in the first part of this study. The second part of the study shed light upon the Islamist way of thinking. The third and last part discusses the necessity for starting three revolutions that will...
Last May 31st, Ashmonein [a village in Upper Egypt] celebrates the commemorate of the Holy Family’s journey to Egypt. Ashmonein is the place where the Holy Family stayed more than one month, during their journey to Egypt.
The Ministry of Tourism decided to hold a large celebration for the finishing of the first stage of developing the path of the Holy Family. The Minister of Tourism said that he was coordinating with His Holiness Pope Shenouda III to prepare a written document to be an introductory book to that...
Afaq Arabia ran an article by Abdullah Al-Tahawy saying that some weak and uncreative writers find insulting Islamic values the shortest way to be famous. Some writers want their books to be banned, then they can run to Human Rights Groups and the Leftists and start wailing about the lack of...
Today, a celebration is held in the Virgin Mary Church in Maadi to celebrate the twenty-fourth year of finding the Holy Book floating on the surface of the Nile. Archpriest Antonious, priest of the church says that it was very strange that the water did not spoil or drown the heavy book that...
On my last visit to Egypt, I noticed a genuine national revolution against religious fanaticism and terrorism, a revolution against exploiting religion that calls for love and peace. In Egypt we find love between neighbors and love of the unity of a nation in which equality in opportunities has...
Sub-title: The Prophet did not kill any Muslim who renounced his religion The book of the Islamic intellectual Gamal Al-Banna "Islam and the freedom of thought" which was issued lately, raised many questions concerning the issue of apostasy. This is an interview with Gamal Al-Banna who says: "My...
Some people may wonder why these lines are written?! The reason is simply something that happened during the first day of the Eid Al-Fitr. ... I have nothing to say to those who call themselves the Muslim Brotherhood but "Stop harming our good Islam! Because when you commit a crime, the Western...


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