Displaying 31 - 40 of 103.
In an interview with Pope Shenouda of Alexandria, he talks frankly about the many issues in Egypt.
Jeff Jacoby sets the persecution of the Copts in Egypt in a context of wider persecution against Christians all over the world, including in Iraq, China, Somalia and others.
The European Parliament has condemned the “systematic persecution” of Christians in Egypt and Malaysia. Egyptian diplomats worked in vain to prevent Egypt and Malaysia being tarred with the same brush. Some people criticized the decision as being the work of right-wing Christian European groups and...
This article gives a brief background on the various Christian communities in the Middle East, emphasizing the decline of the Christian population over the last century. This is a result of emigration to western Europe and America, driven by several factors, among them persecution
Reviewer: Nuhayr ‘IsmatMājid ‘Atīyah gives a brief history of eminent Christian figures whose villages are named after them.
Mājid ‘Atiyah wonders why a village with a Christian name had its name changed.
A Muslim convert reports on converts’ conditions in Egypt and Father ‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt of the Coptic Orthodox Church reports on the church’s stance.
This article sheds light on the biography of George Qanawati, an Egyptian Christian scholar and thinker who was aware of the genuine core of Islam and devoted his life to advocating Muslim-Christian dialogue. He also believes in the vital role played by the Arab Islamic civilization and its...
The author criticizes Pope Benedict XVI’s stance against Islam and Muslims and highlights the contradiction entailed in his claims which remind him of the negative image of Islam and Muslims prevailing in the West. Besides, the author points out that extremism is what makes the Copts in Egypt feel...
The article narrates the bizarre story of holding a funeral mass in the street next to the church due to some unfinished repairs being done to the church.


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