Date of source: Monday, May 24, 2004
An article was published last issue titled “Sectarian Strife in Alexandria,” by Hamdi Rizq, in which the author objects to the idea of holding a festival for Christian films.
The film festival was characterized by a sense of national unity between the two poles of the one nation in every phase of...
Date of source: Friday, May 28, 2004
For the first time in the history of artistic festivals in Egypt, the festival of Christian Orthodox Films, sponsored by Nidaa Al-Agrass “the sound of Bells” Coptic Association in Alexandria, featured 19 films. Since 1987, Christian films reached 75, with eminent actors and actresses taking roles...
Date of source: Thursday, May 12, 2005
The security department of the Ministry of the Interior has cast light on the phenomenon of posters with Islamic or Christian symbols or quotes encouraging religious fanaticism.
Date of source: Friday, January 9, 2004
The article is
an interview with Pope Shenouda III. He comments on many issues including the alleged patriarch
Habil Said, the phenomenon of religious stickers,
Jews’ occupation of Arab lands and the
Iraqi crisis.
Date of source: Sunday, February 22, 2004
Today, a
harsh delusory media campaign would be mounted against France due to the law banning the donning
of explicit religious symbols. We might as well take France’s ’lead and put our house in order
by going after the countless issues we tend to shelf or place ’on hold’, leaving them...
Date of source: Saturday, January 15, 2005
The Anglican Church has assumed a prominent role with its ownership of the biggest publishing houses in the Middle East such as the Evangelical Culture House [Kees, this is the exact translation] and Logos Publishing House in Egypt, and Al Manār Publishing House in Beirut.
Date of source: Monday, January 10, 2005
The phenomenon of giving religious names increases during times of crises, which consequently increases the sectarian gap between Egyptians.
Date of source: Tuesday, January 6, 2004
The article provides an overview of the a new a magazine titled “Rakoti” released by the Mari Mina Center for Coptic Studies. Rakoti is a Coptic name of a small ancient Egyptian village.
Date of source: Saturday, January 3, 2004
The author comments on the phenomenon of religious stickers on vehicles. The Christian “fish” vs. the Muslim “shark” has spiraled into a clash of symbols. The matter has become more than simply announcing a religious identity. It has become a matter with political and social connotations. This...
Date of source: Sunday, July 22, 2001
The author expressed his refusal of the request some Congress members will submit to the Egyptian government asking for the assignment of one of the Egyptian national newspapers to speak for the Copts. He believes that this is an attempt by the enemies of Egypt to create troubles between Copts and...