Displaying 671 - 680 of 902.
A Coptic Egyptian researcher spent four years in the village of "Deir El-Maymoun" to present a thesis for his masters degree on "Folkloric Celebrations of Coptic Holy Days." He chose this topic because no one researched this before. He believes Coptic culture does not receive much attention from...
The author believes that publishing the photo of Virgin Mary in Al-Ahali newspaper is an action against national unity; publishing such a photo supports Christianity while it undermines Islam. It is an activity against the constitution and the law. It means that the Holy Virgin is pleased with...
Marriage between a Muslim man and a Christian or a Jewish woman is allowed in Islamic countries while the opposite is not allowed. The author argues that if Muslims consider Christians people of the book, a Christian man should have the right to marry a Muslim woman. However, if they are...
The author believes that the TV series "Awan al ward" (time for roses) encourages mixed marriages between Muslims and Christians in an attempt to promote "National unity." It is true, Bishay writes, that the Christian character admitted making a mistake by marrying a Muslim man. Still it is a...
The Mufti of Egypt stated that there is no reason why a Christian could not run for a seat in Parliament. He also stated the Shari’a [Islamic law] does not forbid a Moslem to vote for a Christian.
Seventy-four Copts are running for the coming parliamentary elections. In spite of this relative large number and in spite of the psychological support they are getting from the political leadership, their path is not furnished with silk. They are facing many problems and hard competition in the...
Everyone interested in Egypt and its history will be excited by this Coptic exhibition in France. The same exhibition was presented at the Institut de Monde Arabe in Paris from May to September this year. It is a stunning and artistically radiant presentation of the classical Coptic period in...
This is the full text of the summary published in Watani, April 26, 1998
The paper received two messages, at around the same time, from some of our Coptic brothers. The first message, which came from two engineers, Sergos Zakhari Maximous and Butros Ibrahim Saleeb, in Alexandria, was full of love towards Egypt. The other was a copy of a page from a magazine issued by...
While we are all trying to identify our citizenship values, an evil researcher, Abu Islam Ahmed Abdallah, has come up with an inciting, irresponsible paper, which is extremely sectarian and is entitled "the rights of Coptic Muslims in Egypt".


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