Displaying 711 - 720 of 902.
The Al-Kosheh case was due to internal and external conspiracy. This is what all Egyptians could say. No one could believe that hatred lived between the two parties of this country. In order to confirm this reality, the truth has to be declared in front of the Egyptian nation and the people who...
A summary of various newspaper reports on Al-Kosheh, accusing some newspapers of further fomenting communal strife by their biased and inaccurate reporting of the incidents, with 8 points put forward to prevent the repetition of such incidents again.
The Muslim-Christian relationship is a relationship that is determined by God in the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an is the heavenly constitution that organizes Muslim-Christian relations. God always asks his followers, whether Christians or Muslims, to plant love and friendship not enmity and...
In his speeches in the book: "Pope Shenouda, Live and Religion" Pope Shenouda defines his attitude towards several cases that interest every Egyptian. Pope Shenouda says that America is the traditional and guaranteed friend, but its friendship with the Arabs is temporary, it might change or vanish...
Patriotic unity is the principal component of the Egyptian character. In spite of all the challenges, this unity has remained strong and conscious.
Some people ask what are the defects in the actual reality in which we are living? The defects are mainly concentrated in two points: First, insisting on keeping some rules, which spread the spirit of discrimination and kill equality. Second, keeping policies and behaviors, which have a disastrous...
At the beginning of the symposium, the attendees stood for a minute of mourning for the martyrs of Al-Kosheh. Mr. Hussein Mansour began by saying that speaking of minorities and majorities is an expression of the failure to find a political majority. Then, he reviewed the eras of the ups and downs...
The attitude of Al-Gamaat Al-Islamiyya towards the case of Al-Kosheh is a pointer for many things in the Egyptian reality. The most important of these is the agreement of all powers on the political map of Egypt on gathering [Egyptians] together and enhancing the spirit of unity, and that the real...
We discussed with Bishop Bissenti the possibility of the presence of foreign fingers in the matter, about the American law of religious persecution - whether it had tempted the Copts to start problems from inside Egypt, and about the suggestion of a delegation from [the US] Congress visiting Egypt...
... I am one of those who believe that all Egyptians are citizens of the state with the same rights and duties. They acquire the characteristic of the Egyptian citizen according to their Egyptian nationality that is the direct and certain result of their birth and upbringing in this land. Their...


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