Displaying 731 - 740 of 902.
All Egyptians should confront this feeling of persecution whether Christians or Muslims in order to develop our country and move towards the future. Saying that one could go to America and ask for its protection is a great humiliation for the country and the person himself.
Father Makarios Yusef of Abu Qurqas told al-Wafd about how he convinced AFP-correspondent Lachlan Carmichael about the unity of Muslims and Christians in Abu Qurqas. The RNSAW spoke to Carmichael who referred for his opinion to his article in the Middle East Times.
President Hosni Mubarak made sure that stability has come back to the village. Mubarak discussed the governmental procedures for compensations and punishing criminals.
Mustafa Bakry, editor-in-chief of al-Usbua blames bishop Wissa and others for believing that the USA will be able to protect the Copts in Egypt. Solutions need to be found in Egypt, not abroad. Those who say that Christians are treated like second degree citizens are abandoning the truth and...
In this article al-Usbua continues asking leading Egyptian intellectuals about how al-Koshh could happen.
Islamist intellectual Dr. Selim el-Awa describes his meeting with the priests of al-Kosheh, bishop Wissa and bishop Marcos. Dr. Al-Awa wrote that many newspapers accused Bishop Wissa and father Gabra’il of raising tensions But, the clergy coming from Al-Kosheh and Balyana had a different story,...
Dr. Atef Ebeid, the prime minister, concerning the incidents of Al-Kosheh in Sohag, declared that the country will harshly strike any attempt that calls for destroying the stability of the country and everyone who was behind Al-Kosheh incidents will be presented to court according to the results...
Catholic bishop Qolta reflects on the killings in al-Kosheh and blames the "triangle of poverty, ignorance and illness. It does not need to be attacked by hateful extremism, blind hatred and black revenge in order to shed more tears in these holy days in which we remember God a lot."
Subtitle: A meeting this morning headed by Dr. Ebeid to discuss the restoration of Al-Kosheh Dr. Atef Ebeid, Prime Minister [of Egypt] has stressed the necessity of holding an intellectual meeting between the Muslim scholars and Christian priests in Egypt. He said that the meeting will aim to...
Bishop Wissa, Bishop of Al-Balyana and Dar El-Salam, where Al-Kosheh is located, was sending many faxes to international human rights organizations, and to Copts living abroad, demanding that they rise and save the Copts of Egypt from the killings they suffer at the hands of Muslims!!! Wissa spoke...


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