Displaying 721 - 730 of 902.
Among his suggestions for actions to resolve the Al-Kosheh crisis the author writes: Enough the "Everything-is-all-right" committees! A government body for managing such crises must be founded. It must have the right of immediate intervention [in any such crisis]. Its opinion must be binding upon...
Extremist terrorists must realize that their road is blocked, and that the incidents at Al-Kosheh will not be repeated.
It seems that Egypt’s enemies do not want us to enjoy peace. They want to mess around as they like and interfere when they like... We have to call for a national conference in order to be able to face the new plans supported by America and Britain. We should be alert to what is published in the...
In this article, Dr. Michael discussed Coptic patriotic unity. It is an historical article in which he stated the honorable situations of the Copts throughout their whole history. In addition to this, he mentioned that the Copts have established a constitution in their dealings with Muslims and...
Proper logic says that it is foolish for people to fight each other because some of them have black eyes and are short while the others are not. The same logic judges that it is also foolish for people to fight each other for nothing except that some of them inherited Islam and others Christianity...
Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, the Grand Sheikh of the Azhar and Pope Shenouda III both spoke in a lecture entitled: "Religions, a source for values - A future vision". At the conclusion of the lecture, His Holiness [the Pope] said: "Being here with His Eminence the Grand Sheikh of the Azhar is the...
Robin Cook, the British Foreign Minister, has praised the friendship and tolerance between religions in Egypt. In a special statement to Rose El-Youssef, Cook said that he felt very comforted visiting the area of old Cairo, where mosques are so close to churches...
A disease is spreading all over the country and all the Egyptian leaders are denying its existence. The remedy is represented in the following phrase, "You have your own religion and I have mine."
All indications pointed out that the means, which the government follows to deal with the disaster of Al-Kosheh, do not support the national unity.
There are indications, which raise worry about the future of the national unity and the country itself. There are some officials who are dealing with the disaster of Al-Kosheh in a way that raises worry and troubles too. They have been classifying people in Al-Kosheh into rich Copts and poor...


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