Displaying 81 - 84 of 84.
This article exposes the opinion of Dr. Nasr Farid Wasal, the Mufti of Egypt, concerning the rights of the non-Muslim wife, who is married to a Muslim and whether she has the right to practice the rites of her religion and to inherit from her husband or not.
In a recent television program "Editor-in-Chief" the talk was about equality of citizenship for all Egyptians and how to avoid discrimination between Muslims and Copts especially the issue of categorizing religion on identity cards which prevents people from gaining employment. The guests were...
"No compulsion is there in religion" is a rule which Islam has set, respecting other heavenly religions [Judaism and Christianity]. It has even set rules of Shari’a concerning dealing with followers of other heavenly beliefs...
3,000 Sunni Muslims protest a civil marriage bill passed by the cabinet.


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