Date of source: Sunday, September 12, 2010
Following in the footsteps of previous publication "Mohamed Peace be Upon Him, the Greatest of the Great in the World," a book disdaining Christianity named "Al-Wahy Al-Mohamadi" was published using Muslim and Christian taxpayers' money. The book sells at the subsidized price of 4 EGP. Many people...
Date of source: Sunday, May 9, 2010
This article outlines a number of different discriminatory statements and issues brought up against Copts in Egypt. Firstly are the statements made by Mohamed Abbas who recently said that Copts are coddled by the Egyptian government and are treated better than Muslims when both are in prison. He...
Date of source: Sunday, May 9, 2010
The author criticizes Abū Islam Ahmad ‘Abd Allāh who considers his attacks against Christianity a kind of jihād.
Date of source: Sunday, April 11, 2010
Today, many Copts are complaining about the hate messages delivered in the sermons of imāms. Such messages label Copts as pagans and encourage Muslims to correct such “sin”; additionally, Copts have been wrongfully accused of questionable allegations. These charges and solicitations have led to...
Date of source: Sunday, March 28, 2010
This article from Watani contains a letter to the editor from an Imām from Tahta, who criticizes Sidhom of purposefully stirring sectarian tension by alleging that the Imām preaches against Christianity. The article includes the latest letter from the Imām, stating his disgust with Sidhom and...
Date of source: Sunday, March 7, 2010
This article deals with a number of different ways in which the Muslim-Christian relationship is thought of and portrayed in Egypt, as well as the influence of expatriate Copts. The article begins with describing how some prominent Muslims believe that it is Copts outside of Egypt who mostly incite...
Date of source: Sunday, October 25, 2009
Watani International comments on its most recent book, ’ Sadat in the memory of Copts: Days of pain and triumph.’ The book was written by Robeir al-Faris. The book is divided into eight chapters and looks at the development of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as well as the Nāsir years before...
Date of source: Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Religious Liberty Group of the World Evangelical Alliance has written a report on the escalation of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. Hulsman quotes from the report and adds his own comments.
Date of source: Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Often when people emigrate from Egypt they leave certain problems behind but encounter new obstacles in their new country of residence believes Rev. Menes Abdel Nūr. However the pastor believes in spite of the fact that Pope Shenouda is a great preacher he should not have interfered in politics.
Date of source: Saturday, November 15, 2008
In recent years the tensions between Christians and Muslims in Egypt have increased. In many cases Christians have been victims of violence. Is there any chance that religions can live together peacefully in the land of Nile? This is the question that Cornelis Hulsman sought to answer in his paper...