Displaying 21 - 30 of 51.
Discrimination against other religious sects and strange fatwas and religious teachings are the main grounds for the Alexandria attacks and other incidents of sectarian sedition. The writer suggests certain actions be taken to diminish this stream of hostility and discrimination that is taking over...
The author explains that Egyptian Christians are being unfairly linked to the ‘global Christian conspiracy’ against Islam and Muslims reflected in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
A review of the media coverage following the Alexandria church stabbings concludes that both Muslims and Christians condemned the attacks and spoke of the need for change in the citizenship rights of Christians.
An article covering a seminar which took place at the Cairo Center for Human Rights on problems facing Copts in Egypt in which a number of famous Egyptian intellectuals participated.
The author writes about the current sectarian crisis between Muslims and Copts in Egyptian society, listing a number of factors that have caused these problems.
Salah Muntasir discusses the reasons for the Muslim- Christian tensions in the aftermath of the Alexandria incidents.
‘Adb al-Qādir Shuhayb tackles the latest political incidents in Egypt and the influence of the banned Muslim Brotherhood on events. He also discuses the new wave of terror in Sinai and how to eliminate it.
Egyptian intellectuals express their views on the reason behind the Alexandria incident in particular and sectarian tension in Egypt in general.
The author reviews the development of the Coptic issue, expressing the opinion that the regimes of Nāsir, Sādāt, and Mubārak are responsible for the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, which has harmed Copts.
Ashley Makar writes about the concept of martyrdom in Egypt, the Alexandria incidents, where a Muslim man ran amuck with a knife, stabbing worshippers and killing one man and the image Egyptians have of ‘the other.’


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