Displaying 1 - 10 of 311.
An interview conducted by Cornelis Hulsman and Father Joannis from the Coptic Orthodox Church
A video of Dr. Mabrūk ʿAṭiyya, professor of Islamic law at al-Azhar University, was spread on social media, in which he talked about the Sermon on the Mount. However, the video, which was a response to journalist and TV host Ibrāhīm ʿĪsā, was shared as a mockery of Jesus Christ.  The circulating...
Rev. Fr. Armiyā ʿAbdu thanked General Hishām Farīd, the commissioner of the Banī Suwayf police station, and Ashraf al-Khūlī, head of the investigations of the Banī Suwayf police station, for their success in containing a sectarian dispute.
Parliamentarian Ṣābir ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm said that the reconciliation session in the village of al-Barshā in Mallawī has come to an end, averting sectarian strife.  The session was attended by several clergymen, parliamentarians, and politicians in al-Minyā.
The Coptic Orthodox Church called on people to not get involved or get carried away with Egypt’s enemies both at home and abroad, who want to cause sectarian strife and division and harm the country’s peace and security. 
Several unidentified individuals attacked the car of Father Thomas Kāmil, the priest of the Church of the Martyr Dimiyāna in al-Wardiyān, Alexandria. The priest was surprised by the damage of his car and the dents in its roof and doors. 
On Thursday December 17, the Minya Criminal Court acquitted the three defendants who had stripped naked an elderly Coptic Christian woman, Suʿād Thābit, known in the media as "Lady of al-Karam. The three men had been previously sentenced to ten years each in absentia by the Minya Criminal Court in...
The Minyā Criminal Court announced that it had referred the case of Suʿād Thābit, otherwise known as the “woman of al-Karam,” for a second time to the appeals court of Banī Suwayf , so it can be reviewed by another circuit.
In the village of Jaʿawīr, the center of Mallawī in al-Minyā governorate, cooler heads prevailed in containing a sectarian crisis that would have spread if not for the culture of love and pluralism among the people in the village and rapid security intervention.  The source of the anger was an...
The Minyā Criminal Court sentenced three people, accused of stripping the clothes off a Coptic woman in May of 2016, to ten years in prison.  The court sentenced the defendants in absentia, since they did not respond to the court’s attendance notification.


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