Displaying 1071 - 1080 of 1486.
Hanā’ Hammād presents the report of the fact-finding mission of the Association for Human Rights Legal Aid on the sectarian sedition that ripped through Darb al-Nasāra, Luxor on January 18, 2006.
The author of this article, Hānī Labīb, is refuting an article in Rose al-Yousuf dated February 2, 2006, in which Muhammad Habīb, the deputy murshid of the Muslim Brotherhood, refused to allow a Copt to rule Muslims in Egypt.
The author introduces the viewpoints of renowned Muslim intellectuals about the relationship between Islam and democracy.
Political analyst, researcher, author and executive editor of the Egyptian weekly Watanī International Majdī Khalīl, known for his books on citizenship rights, civil society and the position of minorities in the Middle East, speaks out many on Coptic grievances to al-Dustour.
Through stressing that sectarian sedition in Egypt is an affair that has to be solved by the Egyptians themselves, including an increased involvement of Egypt’s Copts, the author of the article addresses his message to all Egyptians.
Coptic activist Majdī Khalīl claims discrimination against Copts in Egypt and cites a number of incidents where Copts are openly discriminated against and treated unfairly by authorities.
Sāmih Fawzīclaims that the Muslim Brotherhood has adopted a two-pronged strategy to court Egypt’s Copts. He states that Muslim Brothers are playing on Copts’ feelings by reiterating the same old line about the persecution of Copts by the Egyptian government.
The alliance is spearheaded by al-Zumur from within his jail on behalf of all the detained Islamist groups, while al-Durīnī represents the Shiites of Egypt and Coptic lawyer Mamdouh Nakhla, the director of al-Kalima human rights center, represents Egyptian Christians.
Layla Farīd writes about the plague of hypocrisy and the craving fame that has infected Egypt’s Copts.
The author states that a report being distributed by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo speaks of "criminal Muslim gangs" that attack Coptic churches, run over Christian children with motorbikes and force Christian women to convert to Islam conspiring to disrupt national unity in Egypt.


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