Displaying 1411 - 1420 of 1484.
Prophet Mohammed, Peace be Upon Him, asked the Muslims to take good care of the Copts as they are their relatives. This was in appreciation of Egypt, Egyptians, and his Coptic wife Maria.
Egypt witnessed a flamed scene of sectarianism in the last months of 1998. The reason for that were violations of the police during their investigations of a normal murder crime. The unethical method of investigations transferred the issue into a vicious campaign to defame Egypt and claims that...
The American Zionists conspiracies in the last two decades wanted to mislead the Copts. To weaken their traditional relations with Muslims they have used disloyal Coptic Organizations that work from abroad and co-operate with some Westernized people in Egypt.
Maurice Sadek, director of the Center for National Unity, does not refrain from his hobby of writing false reports on persecution.
Maurice Sadek encourages complaints of religious persecution. The authors spoke to a Christian journalist who wanted to emigrate and who was encouraged to claim persecution.
Zaklama comments on the incident of Al-Koshh which had become a major internal issue, distorted in the media.
An interview with Gamal Asa’ad on the role of Pope Shenouda and persecution.
Israel presented an official apology for the report published on the Internet by the media office of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
The author is afraid that the urge to protect Coptic rights and justice could provoke people against them.
Dr. Ayman Nour of the Wafd Party invited Lord Alton to visit Egypt to see everything by himself, but he refused. However, he agreed on holding a debate with Dr. Nour in London and it will televised through one of the television channels.


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