Displaying 1431 - 1440 of 1484.
The Sunday Telegraph has continued its suspicious campaigns against Egypt claiming Copts are persecuted. It published another article written by Christian Lamb. She claimed in her first article that more than 1200 Copts were arrested, tortured with electric shock and crucified.
The Egyptian government has launched an international publicity offensive in the wake of disclosures in The Telegraph last month about a brutal police crackdown on Christians in southern Egypt. Actions include paying for full-page newspaper advertisements in cash and a lobbying campaign on the...
After the Sunday Telegraph article about Christian persecution in Egypt, lots of foreign correspondents denied this information. An Egyptian lawyer, Mostafa Ashoub, chose the legal way as a respond to these lies.
We had intended to close the file of Al-Koshh events after publishing what we thought was enough to clarify facts. Daily papers and weekly magazines’ coverage of the issue found a kind of ’media demonstration’ that came late and seemed to be synthetic and not neutral. Thus, it is essential to...
The fact is that Egypt is a secure and safe country that does not know religious persecution. Father Besada, Pastor of Angel Michael’s Church, said that what happened is an ordinary murder case that could happen anywhere. But what happened afterwards was the problem. Villagers, Muslim and Christian...
The rude campaign goes on against Egypt. In cooperation with members of the American Congress, a British lord has sent a threatening letter, warning that he will launch a fierce campaign against Egyptian tourism if the persecution of Copts does not stop.
More than 2000 prominent Egyptian Christian figures have condemned the continuous attempts of hostile forces against Egypt who aim at playing with the religious emotions of foreign societies by publishing allegations and lies about the persecution of Copts in Egypt.
Dr. Osama El-Baz announced that the material published in the foreign media concerning discrimination against Copts is out of line and lacking in truth, and that the Copts stand against the material that uses ’persecution’ to get at Egypt and weaken its stand.
People’s Assembly members have condemned some foreign papers and radio networks for the allegations of Coptic persecution in Egypt. They said there are planned conspiracies to harm Egypt and its people and hinder the outstanding developments in all fields as well as [to harm] Middle East peace...
Information Minister Safwat El-Sherif condemned the campaign against Egypt by the foreign media concerning allegations that Christians are being persecuted. In an interview published in a London newspaper yesterday, El-Sherif announced that these allegations were unfounded and rely on fabricated...


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