Displaying 1 - 10 of 478.
Fr. Dr. Emilio Platti (1943-2021) sadly suddenly passed away on October 25, 2021. His latest book De Koran herontdekt, Averbode: Uitgeverij Averbode|‌Erasme N.V, 2020, 96 pages, discusses the context in which the Qur’an came into being or as Muslims would formulate this, “was revealed.” In this...
The Arab-West Report newsletter about the analysis of Dr. John Mearsheimer led to several angry responses. Mearsheimer puts the blame for the war on NATO. This should not be explained as an approval for the Russian war on Ukraine. Dutch physicist Dr. Evert du Marchie and Dutch Arabist and...
Every year on January 11 or 12, Dayr Abu Hinnis, a small, isolated Christian village 186 miles south of Cairo, commemorates the Holy Family's flight into Egypt. The celebrations at Dayr Abu Hinnis begin in the early morning hours as Coptic pilgrims ferry across the Nile, singing and clapping...
Moroccan authorities have banned the religious ritual of i’itikāf from taking place in mosques in the last ten days of the holy month of Ramadan, not surrendering to pressure placed on them by members of al-‘Adl w al- Ihsān (Justice and Spirituality Group) the strongest Islamist opposition group in...
Slightly more than one hundred years ago on November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration was signed. The recently celebrated anniversary of the declaration led to expressions of appreciation, critique, hope, and fear through global media outlets, such as the Huffington Post, The Guardian, and the...
Slightly more than one hundred years ago on November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration was signed. The recently celebrated anniversary of the declaration led to expressions of appreciation, critique, hope, and fear through global media outlets, such as the Huffington Post, The Guardian, and the...
The New York Times Magazine published a detailed report about the torture and murder of ItalianPhD student Giulio Regeni who focused in his study on Egyptian street vendors’ union, “hoping to assess their union’s potential to drive political and social change.” He disappeared on the 25th of January...
Editor AWR: This view is expressed by Rekaya el-Hafi [Ruqayya al-Hāfī], a Tunisian humanitarian activist who was born and raised in a Muslim family but represents the Eglise Reformé de Tunis in its relation between the Tunisian government and civil society. Tunisia’s constitution advocates freedom...
Yesterday I obtained a residence visa for three years based on marriage to my Egyptian wife Sawsan. I  spent the entire day (from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm) in the Mugamma [Mujamaʿ], an administrative governmental building operating under the Ministry of Interior where official and residency documents are...
The new Egyptian NGO law was widely criticized in different media and as a consequence we received questions about the status of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) in relation to the new law. The following constitutes Dr. Hulsman's response. 


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