Fr. Dr. Emilio Platti (1943-2021) sadly suddenly passed away on October 25, 2021. His latest book De Koran herontdekt, Averbode: Uitgeverij Averbode|Erasme N.V, 2020, 96 pages, discusses the context in which the Qur’an came into being or as Muslims would formulate this, “was revealed.” In this book, he shows a cautious interest in the work of revisionist scholars of Islam also known as the Historical-Critical school of Islamic studies. The work of revisionist scholars of Islam is controversial for both traditionalist Western scholars of Islam and Muslim scholars since it questions the traditional view about how Islam came into being or was revealed. Revisionist scholars of Islam try to date texts and archaeological findings that have survived the ages to the years that these were put in writing and not the period they describe. They also search for other evidence that helps to understand the context of how the Qur’an came into being. Emilio Platti, however, was not only a well-acclaimed scholar but also a Dominican priest and thus knew that what he wrote could impact the relations of his Catholic church with Islamic scholars. He was thus very cautious in his speaking and writing.