Displaying 11 - 20 of 40.
Archeologist Dr. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rayḥān, general director of research and archeological studies and scientific publications in south of Sinai, confirmed that the library in Saint Catherine’s Monastery is considered the second most important collection of manuscripts following the Vatican. In a...
Christianity entered Egypt with Mark the Evangelist during the time of the reign of Nero in the first century. The Christians in Egypt at that time used the Coptic language and the Coptic Church still uses Coptic in prayers today. In his book "A Short Account of the Copts", the American...
For decades now, Egyptian Coptic Christians and Muslims have been citing widely diverging numbers for the percentage of Christians in Egypt. In the absence of reliable, published data, the figures vary wildly, anywhere from 6 to 24 percent of population.
The fire that broke in the Notre Dame Cathedral was a reminder of the devastation wrought by the natural and human disasters to important monuments, including the Ancient Library of Alexandria, the Pharos of Alexandria, the Grand Library of Baghdad and the ISIS-inflicted disasters upon the...
Today, the Coptic museum organised an exhibition titled ‘the Holy Journey’ to commemorate the anniversary of the Holy Family’s arrival to Egypt.
Following a Facebook post, published by a group called ‘Anā Min al-Ḍāhir’ (I am from the district al- Ḍāhir), announced that an agreement was met with the Jewish community in Egypt to tour 3 Jewish synagogues in Cairo and visit the premises from the inside. 
The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the coming of St. Severus [Sāwīris] the Great, the Patriarch of Antioch, to Egypt.  St. Severus the Great came to Egypt in the fifth century AD to strengthen the believers and their churches during a difficult period of persecution by the Emperor Constantine...
The mosque of Abu al-Ḥaggag [Abū al-Ḥajjāj] dominates the first court at Luxor Temple and aptly demonstrates the continuing adaptation of ancient monuments to modern use. Luxor remained very much intact during the Roman period, when the monument was incorporated within the Roman camp and devoted to...
An article discussing Dr. Milad Hanna’s Book “The Seven Pillars of the Egyptian Identity”  


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