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Pope Shenouda III said it is natural for a President to belong to the religion of the majority, and it would be rather a “joke” should a Copt run for President. He added that expatriate Copts form no political party and a few of them are extremists.
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Muhammad Yusrī, the fugitive brother of terrorist Īhāb Yusrī, who carried out a recent suicide bombing at the downtown ‘Abd al-Muncim Riyād square, was handed over by Libya, where he escaped shortly before the incidents in which several people were injured. His sister Najāt Yusrī, along with a...
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Nabīl Louqā Bibāwī, a Christian member of the Shura Council and professor of Criminal Law, said Wafā’ Costantine’s conversion to Islam and return to Christianity has taken place through the tolerant precept of Islam that suggests “fending off harms is of priority to bringing about gains.” That...
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Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies denounced what it called ‘a reputation- tarnishing campaign against the Center amidst the tempest of foreign funds.’
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The Egyptian grassroots do not know anything about the Kifāya movement, the Communists or the Muslim Brotherhood, which all marred the quality of life, disturbed the peace and security, played with fire and tampered with people’s interests.
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Dr. Muhammad Habīb, the deputy Murshid of the Muslim Brotherhood, has denied reports of a deal between the banned group and the government.
Date of source: Monday, January 31, 2005
At 10 am, last Wednesday, Albright met with Sacd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm at the Ibn Suhyoun (son of a Zionist) Center, formerly known as the Ibn Khaldoun Center in al-Muqattam. Extraordinary security measures were taken. Police, detectives, and anti-terrorism specialists were spread everywhere to protect...
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Terrorism has proliferated in nearly all Islamic and Arab countries despite the differences between the ruling regimes. Within the Palestinian people’s resistance against the Israeli occupation, the phenomenon spread that some called “suicide bombing” and others called “martyrdom operations.”
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Muslim Brotherhood members staged two simultaneous demonstrations in two of Cairo’s most bustling areas; Ramsīs Square and downtown al-Tahrīr Square.
All demonstrators called for abrogating the Emergency Law and for making sharī‘a effectively the source of law.
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Sacd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, one of Egypt’s most prominent activists and human rights crusaders, has challenged his country’s leaders for most of his life. He was imprisoned from 2000 to 2003 on charges that were criticized internationally as being politically motivated. Ibrāhīm is writing his memoirs as a...