Displaying 7661 - 7670 of 8331.
The article presents the views of a number of Muslim intellectuals such as Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, Egyptian Minister of Awqaf [Endowments], Muhammad Ben Ya’eesh, president of the Islamic-European Chamber of Commerce, and Ga’far Abdel Salam, the secretary general of the league of Islamic...
The article is about attacks against Egypt in the US encouraged by Coptic immigrants. The author argues that these attacks always intensifies in the periods that precedes President Mubarak official visits to the US.
The article is a criticism of Coptic activists in the US, particularly Michael Mounir, the head of the US Copts Association. The author explains that Mounir always takes advantage of some incidents that take place in Egypt, which most times are false, in order to call on the U.S. to interfere in...
Some political experts are of the opinion that the revisions of the Gama’a did not change on key issues such as the application of Shari’a, [the status of] Coptic Christians, multiple-party system and the freedom of opinion and belief. Those experts claim that the revisions of the group were...
The author explains that the way Egyptian society dealt with the al-Kosheh events illustrated that society has a haphazard way of dealing with sectarian tensions. They deal with the marginal problems and the surfaces of a crisis, in search of a temporary solution to calm the situation. This...
The article is a commentary on a question published in Sout Al-Azhar newspaper about the Islamic judgment on the person who pays money [to a public servant] in return for a personal service or interest like [obtaining] employment. Dr. Mosbah Hamad, deputy director of the Faculty of Shari’a and Law...
The author explains the misunderstanding of the concept of “secularism." in Islamic and Arab societies; secularism is presented as a call for atheism and apostasy. Based on this misunderstanding, some launched an attack on France because the country has banned religious symbols in public schools...
More than one French magazine confirmed that Tareq Ramadan, the grandson of the founder of the banned group of the Muslim Brotherhood, is the target of many Western and Arab intelligence agencies as [allegedly] the secret leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe. But Ramadan denied all the...
The Italian Cardinal Roberto Tucci, the honorable chief of the Vatican Radio, has claimed Islam does not show appropriate respect for non-Muslims. Tucci has also severely attacked the martyrdom operations. Islamic scholars and intellectuals condemn that a religious scholar could voice such...
Mamdouh Ismail criticizes the opinions of Prince Al-Walid Ibn Talal [the owner of the music satellite channel Rotana] on the issue of the veil in France and of martyrdom operations. The prince voiced his opinion in an interview with the French paper Le Figaro.


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