Displaying 7701 - 7710 of 8331.
Chirac sees that his country has five million Muslims trying to congregate to remain in isolation and reject France’s culture. What Chirac wants, as he read in his statement, is to “prevent [groups from] clinging onto their affiliation to [their] groups that might threaten the society by [these...
No political philosophical invention has ever hit its target better than the misleading idea of anti-Semitism. Theodore Herzl used the term to make Jews all over the world feel that they were targeted and that they were surrounded with hostile dangers. This was a pressure point on Jews, which...
Are all those who criticize Israel anti-Semitic? Could someone be anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic? Is Europe once more anti-Semitic? What about anti-Semitism in the Arab world? All these questions were posed and discussed by eminent Israeli writer and thinker Uri Avneri. Is Europe anti-...
A new [political] party that rejects Islam and Arabism submitted its papers last week to the committee of party affairs [affiliated to the Shura Council]. This party asks for the modification of the Egyptian constitution to remove the Islamic Shari’a as the primary legislative source of the...
French-Cameroonian comedian Dieudonne M’Bala M’Bala resorted to the streets to present some comic sketches after he was accused of being anti-Semitic and accordingly ordered to stop the show he was presenting at Olympia Theater.
The Jewish- European Conference held on 19 February 2004, which was not adequately covered by Arab media, was one of the most serious conferences that were held during the past few years. This conference gave credibility to Jewish claims that anti-Semitism has increased in Europe during the...
Khaled El Guindi dealt with story of the sheikh who allegedly seduced monaqabate [Muslim women wearing a niqab] in two completely contradicting approaches. He told me that he was furious over what the sheikh did. But he changed his words when he was faced with an audience and readers: He...
Al-Naba’ [newspaper] claimed that it had interviewed sheikh Muhammad Gebril. This sheikh stated that he is the television preacher who was unnamed in the press, allegedly seducing women and that he does not know the woman he allegedly seduced. Sheikh Muhammad Gebril published an article in Al-Ahram...
The interview with Benny Morris, a professor of history at Ben Gurion University, in Ha'aretz newspaper raised endless reactions among Israelis and Palestinians alike. Actually, whoever has been following what Morris writes or says will not have been shocked by his recent interview. He says that he...
A special version of the book containing the Gnostic scriptures was released in the United States in English, translated from Coptic in 1977. Later a public version was released in 1981 under the name of “Nag Hammadi library.” The book contains 47 pieces including a paper by Plato. The...


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