Date of source: Monday, March 23, 2015
Egypt deletes Salah al-Din and Uqba ibn Nafi from the curriculum
The Egyptian ministry of education decided to delete paragraphs about Salah al-Din and Uqba ibn Nafi from the curriculum since they allegedly promoted violence and extremism among the people, since their popularity among Muslims is...
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Christianity in the Arab World was flourishing in relative terms prior to the First World War and consequent break-up of the Ottoman Empire.
Date of source: Friday, May 29, 2015
Women of Egypt: Campaign stigmatizing women who do not wear the hijāb is a dangerous escalation
Hudā Badrān, the President of the General Council for Egyptian Women, condemned the campaign to disgrace women who do not wear the hijāb. The campaign is spreading over social media and is set to take...
Date of source: Saturday, January 26, 2013
On Friday, the 25th I was in Tahrir for many hours meeting people and discussing the future of Egypt. I saw a few young men with faces covered in black. “These belong to the Black Bloc,” George Missīhah said, who had led a march from his hometown, Qanātir to Tahrir. This is a new group, fighters...
Date of source: Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Coptic Evangelical Church’s Synod appealed to President Muḥammad Mursī to freeze his constitutional declaration and call for a national dialogue that would bring together all segments of the society to reach accordance over critical issues. [Ḥusnī Mīlād, al-Akhbār, Dec. 2, p. 9] Read text in...
Date of source: Sunday, October 14, 2012
A high-level source in the Vatican said Cairo has sent a request nominating Public Prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd for the post of ambassador to it more than 15 days ago, before a court acquitted defendants involved in case of assaults on protesters on February 2, 2011, known in the media as the...
Date of source: Friday, October 12, 2012
U.S. ambassador in Cairo Anne Patterson met on Wednesday (October 10) with Coptic activists who spoke to her about the status of religious minorities in Egypt under President Muhammad Mursī, a few days after her meeting with Egyptian Shiite leaders who told her they applied for the Dutch...
Date of source: Saturday, June 23, 2012
CAIRO, Egypt (AWR) – The standoff between Muslim Brothers and Egypt's ruling military continues, but seems to be turning into a victory for the army over the Brothers.
The Muslim Brothers organized large demonstrations at Tahrir square on Friday. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (Scaf)...
Date of source: Tuesday, June 28, 2016
John R. Bradley, a British author and journalist best known for his 2008 book Inside Egypt: the Land of the Pharaohs on the Brink of a Revolution, identifies the Egyptian revolution of 1952 as “a failed revolution” that ended Egypt’s belle époque of the 1930s and 1940s’ cultural heyday. The author...
Date of source: Thursday, March 8, 2012
Christians are partners in the nation and must enjoy their rights and do their duty toward Egypt, rejecting quotas for Christians in parliament and public positions and calling for efficiency to be the criteria regardless of religion. [‘Abd Ilāh Muhammad, al-Akhbār, March 8, p. 6] Read text in...