Displaying 771 - 780 of 12647.
Two events led Al-Usboa, Al-Arabi and Watani to comment on the issue of democracy and the American intervention in the domestic affairs of Egypt. These events are the decision of the US Senate to allocate $2 million, cut from the American aid to Egypt, to Saad Eddin Ibrahim and his Ibn Khaldoun...
Arab media primarily placed the war in Iraq in the framework of the religious dimension. Religion is present in the background of almost all articles. Reactions of religious institutions and figures and the impact of religion on the characters of both Bush and Saddam Hussein are the focus of...
The Islamic Research Institute issued a fatwa to the effect that jihad against the US in its war on Iraq is an individual duty on all Muslims. The fatwa has received both positive and negative comments and is reported to have raised the anger of the US Embassy in Cairo.
Articles in this week?s papers about the Muslim Brotherhood discuss four issues: the detention of 18 of its members, its role as a source of terrorism in Egypt, the future possibility of its participation in political life, and its activities in the Bar Association.
The three papers published eight articles concerning human rights activists and centers. Al-Wafd dedicates four articles to discussing the idea of establishing a new national council for human rights. Two articles in Al-Arabi and Al-Ahrar are concerned with the same idea. Moreover, Al-Ahrar...
The Azhar urges all Muslims to jihad if a US war is launched against Iraq. The Coptic Orthodox Church sent a message to Kofi Anan asking the UN to prevent a war against Iraq. The Presbyterian Church in Ezbekia district witnessed a peaceful anti-war demonstration and a group of Egyptian Copts signed...
The Egyptian government has recently released a thousand members of Al-Gama'a Al-Islamiya on the occasion of the anniversary of the October 6 war. Significantly, Karam Zuhdi, leader of the group, Fou'ad Muhammad Al-Dawalibi, and Essam Abdel-Magd, members of the Shura Council of the group, have also...
Al-Usboa still writes about the freedom of press following the detention of its editor-in-chief and his brother. The paper is praising the Journalists Syndicate for criticizing the detention. The law that makes such detentions possible is criticized.
The fatwa of Sheikh Nabawi El-Eish about the Iraqi Transitional Ruling Council did not only cause embarrassment for the Azhar but it also showed how divided the Azhar is. The Sheikh of the Azhar rejected the fatwa and said that Egyptian religious scholars are not allowed to give fatwas concerning a...
The religious dimension of the war on Iraq has been and still is the focus of articles covering the war. This is in addition to news items about Kurdish Islamic groups being attacked by the US and comments on fundamentalist Islam in the light of the war. For the first time, the role of the media or...


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