Displaying 911 - 920 of 12647.
A delegation comprised of 13 bishops and priests who represent all Christian denominations in Britain, as well as some Christian laymen, will pay a 10 day visit to Cairo to study the history of the Coptic Church, as well as visit monasteries and some Pharaonic monuments.
The campaign launched by the Chairman of Copts United ‘Adlī Abādīr to remove the second article of the Constitution would have passed unnoticed if Bishop Marqus, the Coptic Church official spokesman who revealed that he supported amending the article, had not made a statement on the matter.
Majdī Khalīl categorizes the Coptic issues handled by the Egyptian press and media and into eight categories, and evaluates this handling.
The author calls to reform the Coptic Orthodox Church not from the doctorial aspect but from its influence on people’s life. He suggests having a new leadership formed from priests instead of the current monastic one that has driven Copts away from important issues concerning their country.
The crisis of al- Muqattam Church presided over by the so-called Maximus ? is experiencing new developments that may end the famous issue that preoccupied the church’s circles in Egypt last year, after the Greek Church did not recognize the religious legitimacy of Bishop Mavias and the priests that...
A war of documents is ongoing between Pope Shenouda, who provided Waṭanī newspaper with a certificate that states that Bishop Mavias, who ordained Maximus, has no accredited religious legitimacy while the latter presented three certificates that confirm the authenticity of his ordination.
The author discusses Christianity in Egypt, and what it means to be a Copt living in a society that constantly struggles with social issues.
Pope Shenouda discussed the ideas of Father Mattá al-Miskīn as being heresies. Butrus calls for an objective discussion of theological and religious issues in the writings of the men of religion, as most of the time people automatically adopt their leaders’ ideas out of confidence, or sometimes,...
Jesus performed miracles since his childhood. He violated the Sabbath and could give and take others life with a single word. Stories from different apocrypha gospels are represented in the following lines.
The following lines represent an interview with Ibrāhīm Sālim al-Tarzī who translated many of the Apocrypha Gospels. al-Tarzī reveals information about the Apocrypha and considers the texts to be an important piece of Coptic literature.


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