Displaying 1931 - 1940 of 2656.
There is no doubt the United States has become more interested in lending an ear to the voice of moderate Islamists as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had considered in statements that the ascension of Islamists to power was an undesirable possibility.
In his book “No god but God : The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam,” the American Iranian author, Reza Aslān writes that conservative and liberal Muslims dispute over defining their own conviction.
Many think that the extremist Christian Right is more dangerous than Bin Lādin and al-Zawahirī. This is true because Bin Laden is an extremist Muslim who does not organize policies of the Islamic and Arab world while the Christian Right has the power to formulate Western policy, especially that of...
The talk about developing the religious discourse did not end. It is exposed to contemporary ideas and affairs instead of being locked up in histories that are no longer applicable.
My meeting with Frances Fragos Townsend, the Assistant to the US President and Homeland Security Advisor, was to discuss bilateral cooperation between Egypt and the US in several fields and means and mechanisms to stand up against the phenomenon of terrorism, said Minister of Interior Habīb al-‘...
‘Amr Khlālid emerged to present a model and an idol for Muslim youth seeking modernity and moderation. He didn’t look or dress like classical clerics, and spoke the language of the poor and unprivileged, and gave hope to the hopeless.
Dr. Shaykh ‘Alī Jum‘ā, Muftī of Egypt, said that Islam has limited polygamy. In a Hadīth reported by Sālim, his father, Ghaylān Ibn Salāma al-Thaqafī, had ten concubines when he embraced Islam. The Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] told him to “chose only four of them” to marry.
Adel Guindy responded to Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim’s article “Islam Can Vote, If We Let It” [art. 5] saying that the article provides a good insight about what Dr. Ibrahim has been repeatedly telling high-level politicians in Washington D.C. and academics and media in the world’s main capitals for...
Abducted children smuggled from The Netherlands by one of the parents reached nearly 422 in the last four years. 60 of them are found in Egypt, the highest number of any country. Other Arab countries include Morocco and Tunisia (20 children each). Turkey occupies the second slot with 36 children,...
Muftī of the Republic Shaykh ‘Alī Jumca said that dialogue during a recent trip to Germany, which aimed at rectifying the image of Islam in the West, focused on the issues of gender equality, human rights and whether Islam is actually a religion of tolerance.


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