Displaying 121 - 130 of 2810.
Background:  Witnesses of the 1996 terrorist attack on tourists in a Cairo hotel (killing 17 Greek tourists) report what they have seen and how they evaluate the situation. At a press conference, Egyptian diplomat ʾUsāma al-Bāz addresses his government’s policy toward Sudan and the state of the...
Background: The first part of the recording is a press conference by Foreign Minister ʿAmru Mūsā, who was speaking in both Arabic and English, during the 1996 Arab Summit which was held in Cairo, Egypt in which he was mainly discussing the Arab relations for cooperation and the peace process in...
Background: Yemeni Minister of Tourism, Dr. ʿAbd al-Ṣarāfi and Yemeni officials accompanying him, speak about Western tourism to Yemen, investment opportunities and economy. He particularly addresses concerns over tourists’ safety in light of recent kidnappings, Yemeni agriculture, and the...
Background: Maḥjūb al-Tijānī is the president of the Sudan Human Rights Organisation in the branch of Cairo and Ḥamūd Fātḥā al-Raḥman, the secretary general of the same organization, discuss the atrocities of the al-Turābī/al-Bashīr regime, and the means by which the Sudanese people are dealing...
Background: There is a short interview with a student of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) about Christian missionary work in Morocco. The major part of the recording is Zuzana Skalova, a Czech art historian speaking about the conservation of Coptic icons in Egypt. One of her central...
Background: The main issues in Sudan at the time (and some are still relevant today) were the unity of South Sudan, self-determination, peace and war, religious/political persecution against Christians and South Sudanese and the Sharīʿah Law. A Southern Sudanese and former Member of Parliament...
Background: Angelo Andrew, a Southern Sudanese Christian refugee is emigrating to the US. The day before his departure, Angelo was interviewed by Cornelis Hulsman and members of the FPA regarding the abduction of his sister by the SPLA in 1991. Angelo was also a personal friend of Hulsman who lived...
Background: Considering the Sudanese Civil War has been on-going since 1955 (and at the time of the interview), members of the FPA asked a key figure in Sudanese history; Ṣādiq al-Mahdī several questions on the issue of Southerners longing self-determination. Al-Mahdī,’ as a Northern Sudanese...
Background: The tensions between Muslims from the North and Christians from the South of Sudan have resulted in the Southerners talking about self-determination. Bishop al-Zubaīr, Catholic Bishop of al-Kharṭūm and Bishop Roreig, Anglican Bishop of al-Kharṭūm, are interviewed and asked to share...
Background: Former Prime Minister Ṣādiq al-Mahdī shares his views on political tolerance and freedom in Sudan, stressing the equality between Christians and Muslims in terms of freedom and political tolerance. At that time, the Venezuelan terrorist Ilich Ramírez Sánchez (otherwise known as Carlos...


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