Displaying 2221 - 2230 of 2815.
Based on accumulated years of legal experience, one dares say Egypt is controlled by the “republic of the 8th administrative rank.” In other words, the minor civil servants who, the smaller they get, the more fangs they grow; and this fact I have discovered during my work as a member in the...
Did the Grand Imam of the Azhar, Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, give the green light to US Christian organizations to practice the freedom to Evangelize in Egypt and the Muslim world?
Reuters News Agency reported that, Dr. Ahmad Sābir, an academic teacher of Economics at a British university [not mentioned which university], and a Director of a financial consultancy firm [name not mentioned], formed a group under the name of “Inqizou Misr” [Save Egypt]. It is an opposition...
The website “al-Aqbāt Mutahidoun” [Copts united] posted an article urging Christians to run for the presidential election. The article states ten reasons to participate.
The second delegation of the Ministry of Awqāf [Endowments] is to visit Germany to explain Islam and its civilization, and to respond to all the fabrications and misconceptions regarding Islam. The delegation will also respond to accusations made by the Western media against Islam and Muslims.
Grand Imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, referred a controversial fatwa to the Islamic Research Institute. This took place after Islamic activist Tāriq Ramadān, (the grandson of Shaykh Hasan al-Bannā, the founder of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood group), called for the cessation of...
Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code has raised a lot of controversy in the whole world over the revolutionary vision it presented of the history of Christianity and that of Christ. This made a British critic describe the book as ‘fascinating nonsense’ and later prompted Lebanon’s General Security to...
Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann converted to Islam as a result of what he witnessed in the Algerian War of Independence. He authored several books on Islam, including Journey to Makkah and Islam: The Alternative. Many of his books and essays focus on Islam’s place in the West and, after September 11...
Berlin’s supreme court upheld a ruling to have the imam of a mosque in the German capital banished on charges of “inciting violence and undermining social peace.” Turkish Muslim leader Yacub Tadshi, 59, has reportedly asked for God’s protection for suicide bombers in Israel and Iraq during a...
The most prominent Islamic organization in France signed yesterday, in the presence of the French Minister of the Interior, an agreement to establish an association for the Islamic activities in France that aims at raising funds to build mosques.


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