Displaying 81 - 90 of 156.
Bishop Kenneth Cragg gave a lecture at the Azhar University. He said it is necessary to work for peace among the followers of the revealed religions and that it is important for all people to live in security and stability. He added that Israel is behind the conflict in the Middle East because has...
The Religious Brotherhood Organization discussed in a seminar how Arabs should explain the West the Israeli assault on Christian and Islamic holy places. Why did Christians in the West not demonstrate in support of the Church of the Nativity? What is the relationship between that lack of support...
It is not possible that God, Who is Just and Perfect and orders His servants to judge justly, takes Palestine from the Palestinians and gives it to the Israelis. The Palestinians have the right claim to it. Israelis are a group of foreign people who killed the prophets and broke God´s covenant...
"We plead with you as Christian leaders, who are concerned about both Palestinians and Israelis and with the future of their children, to help both sides equally implement peace and justice."
The idea of politicizing children´s toys and attaching religious meanings to them is one of the ideas that are in use and widespread on the global level. Iran produced the Sarah doll as a solution to stop the circulation of the Barbie doll, which is seen as a kind of cultural invasion. Now the...
The article gives the opinions of some Muslim scholars and thinkers on the issue of inter-religious dialogue. Some of them believe the dialogue to be important and necessary, if it aims at promoting the shared values between religions. Others believe it to be a crime and a waste of time, especially...
Reforming the religious discourse means neither changing any of the bases of Islam nor being biased towards the group to which the religious discourse is directed. Also it is not only confined to developing the ways of Da´awa. Reforming the religious discourse means reforming the Islamic...
Some people look for the Cross and the Star of David in everything around them. This is a kind of phobia that can be called signphobia. Regardless of the concepts material things come to symbolize, the absolute material thing is prior to the symbol it comes to refer to.
America thinks that Israelis are Semites, and by supporting Israel, it is supporting Semitism. America thinks that whoever does not support Israel is anti-Semitic. Since Arabs do not support Israel, they are anti-Semitic. The author believes that it is nonsense to say that Arabs are anti-Semitic...
Luzon called for equalizing the Jewish Arabs to the Palestinian refugees, deeming the Arab-Israeli conflict as not one of religions or territory, but rather a fight between democracy and dictatorship.


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