Displaying 71 - 80 of 156.
Dr. Muhammad Abu Ghadeer, professor of Hebrew literature, has compiled a study on Israeli educational curricula. He gives examples on how Israeli schoolbooks are used to deepen the culture of conflict between Israel and the Arabs and to bring up children on hating whatever is Arab.
Aqidati claims that the Israeli daily Ma´ariv observed that there are many signs indicating the imminent coming of the Messiah: the appearance of the ten lost tribes, occupying Mecca, eliminating Muslim leaders and turning Muslims into slaves for the Jews.
Dr. ‘Āmir al-Zanātī, a professor of Hebrew in the Faculty of Arts at ‘Ayn Shams University, has studied the way in which Jewish orientalists depict the Prophet Muhammad to Hebrew readers.
The Western scene of hectic intellectual, religious and practical endeavors to recapture Jerusalem and Palestine from the Muslim grip was marked by weirdness and brazenness.
Jewish rabbis have been promoting a perverting falsified story about the birth of Christ. This story, which spread widely in medieval times, alleges that Virgin Mary has sinned with Joseph the carpenter in her menstruation period. Joseph then decided to fasten the accusation on the pious John who...
The MEMRI writes many of its translations “bring honor and respect to the Arab world and show it isn´t made up of radicals only.” Hulsman provides examples of MEMRI placing some of their translations in a wrong context.
The author appreciates Dr. Milad Hanna´s opinion concerning the role of Arab Christians as a cultural bridge between Islam and the west. However, he does not agree with Hanna´s opinion that Protestant Christians tend to support Israel. He believes that such a statement worries emigrant...
The Pact of Umar is a document purportedly signed by Umar, the second caliph. It is the source of the restrictive regulations on non-Muslims embedded in the Shari´a. It has been used as the model for Muslims´ treatment of dhimmis [protected non-Muslims] from the Middle Ages down to today...
It is clear from the comments on Bat Ye´or´s article, that not all the points she discussed have been responded to. For example, what she says concerning the fact that jihad belongs to the religious domain and cannot be discussed and the feeling of superiority in Islam.
Wearing a veil has been widely criticized so this article looks at its history. It existed before Islam and is found in all of the heavenly religions, but only its use by Muslims causes comment. The veil is a symbol of chastity and purity not a political slogan.


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