Displaying 31 - 40 of 156.
The author calls on Arabs, whether Christians or Muslims, to work to solve the problem of Jerusalem through means of peaceful co-existence with Jews and constructive political and economical relations with Israel. He strongly rejects the policy of boycotting which clears the path for Israel to...
The article discusses the historical development of the Jewish presence in Palestine.
The issue of celebrating the mulid of Abū Hasera aroused the anger of the inhabitants of Demtawa, where his tomb is located. There are many conflicting stories about the reality of his character. Some stories say that he was one of the prophets that were sent to the Israelites in Egypt and...
The author discusses his own opinions regarding ‘inter-religious dialogue,’ and how the ways in which individual religion view themselves will hinder this dialogue.
Husayn Ahmad Amīn argues for religious data to be omitted from the Egyptian ID card.
Majdī Khalīl mentions some of the situations where Muslims have attacked Christians, Jews and the West and questions who should apology to whom over such incidents.
The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus members met with Evangelical Christians from around the world to discuss securing the existence of the Jewish state and ways to face up to the "Islamic threat.”
The author articulates some basic rules of interfaith dialogue, which he asserts should be followed by all parties.
During sessions of the Islamic ideology meeting in al-Husayn area, Dr Mustafá al-Fiqī urged the Minister of Awqāf to give a speech about Islam at the same German university where Pope Benedict XVI attacked Islam.
Subtitle:Bishop Bishoy "We are against fanaticism and fanatics, whether they are Muslims or Copts."The author has gone to meetings of Egyptians in the USA and found all to be loyal to Egypt. All Arabic papers published in the USA and Canada are convinced that the Jewish lobby is trying to damage...


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