Displaying 31 - 40 of 166.
A high-level source in the Vatican said Cairo has sent a request nominating Public Prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd for the post of ambassador to it more than 15 days ago, before a court acquitted defendants involved in case of assaults on protesters on February 2, 2011, known in the media as the...
U.S. ambassador in Cairo Anne Patterson met on Wednesday (October 10) with Coptic activists who spoke to her about the status of religious minorities in Egypt under President Muhammad Mursī, a few days after her meeting with Egyptian Shiite leaders who told her they applied for the Dutch...
Counselor Husām al-Ghurīyānī, head of the Constituent Assembly, said that applying Islamic sharī'ah is the hope of all Egyptians. He added that today Egypt has an elected President and if they did not want to apply the sharī'ah they would have elected hindus. Read original text in Arabic
Yūnus Makhyūn, member of the salafī al-Nūr (light) Party and member of the Constituent Assembly drafting Constitution, said that there are an agreement among political powers, namely, Freedom and Justice Party, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood group, and al-Nūr Party, to keep Article II...
Shaykh Ahmad al-Mahallāwī, an Islamic preacher who was in prison during late President Anwar al-Sādāt's time, lashed out at U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and accused her of driving a wedge between Muslims and Copts. He made the remarks after Clinton’s statements that the United States...
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman, Editor-in-Chief of Arab West Report: AWR’s Diana Maher Ghali comments on the number of Christians in Egypt were mentioned in a Daily News Article article. The threats of Bishop Bula (Paul in the article) are not very wise. That he wants modification of Article II of the...
This book was first published in 2012 by CIDT in Arabic. It was later translated into English, expanded with texts of Nushin Atmaca and Patricia Prentice and edited by Cornelis Hulsman with help of Jenna Ferrecchia and Douglas May.
Egyptian churches urged President Muhammad Mursī to respect court rulings, criticizing his recent decision to reinstate the dissolved parliament while Coptic activists slammed it as “aggression on the rule of law and victory of the interests of the president’s group at the expense of the homeland’...
The salafī al-Nūr Party severely slammed Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb for rejecting to provide explanations for the word “principles” in the constitution, urging him to issue a statement indicating why he insists on keeping Article II unchanged. [Hamdī Dabash, ‘Usāmah al-Mahdī,...
This article was originally posted on Christianity Today, May 31, 2012. The first free election in Egypt's history has captured headlines worldwide with its unexpected runoff between a Mubārak regime figure and a Muslim Brotherhood leader. Less known is that 17 Coptic evangelical leaders met with...


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