Displaying 1 - 10 of 29.
The hitherto little-known village of Qufada [Qufāda] sadly became national news for a local pyramid scheme headed by Hussein Muhammad [Ḥussayn Muḥammad], a trader in tiles who is a member of a big local family. He was known for trading with China and speaks Chinese. Ḥussayn was successful in...
In an unprecedented move, the Rose al-Yūsuf magazine departed from the nation’s typical way, and attacked the Coptic Orthodox Church and its bishops in the Holy Synod. 
The National Press Authority decided to report the editor-in-chief of the magazine Rose al-Youssif [Rūz al-Yūssif] to the authorities for disparaging the Coptic Orthodox Church on the cover of its most recent issue. The commission decided to issue an apology to the church, and the magazine will...
The magazine Rūz al-Yūsif, in its Saturday edition, caused controversy after including a portrait of Bishop Raphael [Rāfāʾīl], who is bishop of the churches in central Cairo, next to Muḥammad Badī’, a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood, on their front cover. The Church was outraged by its publication...
Writing in the al-Hurīyah wal-‘Adālah (Freedom and Justice) newspaper within the context of the ongoing feud between journalists and the Muslim Brotherhood over alleged efforts by the Brotherhood to control the media, Brotherhood member Dr. 'Abd a-Rahmān al-Bir says: “a journalist is the possessor...
  Twenty-five human rights organizations and political parties called on the Shūrá Council to freeze the recent appointments of chief editors of state-run newspapers
Investigations into the October 9 incidents outside the state radio & TV building in Maspero that left 23 people mowed down by Military Police vehicles and “unidentified” fire revealed shocking information. According to the probe and investigations by the interior ministry and military police,...
The French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, published a 46-page special sacrilegious cartoon issue on the life of Prophet Muhammad. In September, Charlie Hebdopublished cartoons as protests were taking place in several countries over a US film humiliating the prophet. French schools, consulates...
Hāla Muṣṭafā was born in Egypt in 1958, although Muṣṭafā was appointed to be a member of the new Policies Committee of the National Democratic Party (NDP) in 2002, Muṣṭafā presents herself as an independent writer and thinker more than a party member. This commitment is reflected in her...
  Saudi flags appear in Shubrā , 29 injured in clashed between unidentified people and Coptic activists during a march to al-Tahrīr   A Coptic march to commemorate the 40-day anniversary of Maspero clashes has been attacked by unidentified persons in Shubrā. The march had set out from Shubrā Square...


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