Displaying 51 - 60 of 120.
Al-Hayāt has obtained the information that the Muslim Brotherhood has decided to boycott the presidential elections. TheGuidance Office will hold a meeting next Friday to confirm the decision.
Dr. Muhammad Habīb, Deputy Supreme Guide of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, has revealed that his group has presented the issue of their participation in the coming presidential elections to their Guidance Office. The final decision is expected next week.
Among the coalitions that has decided to accept foreign funds and participate in the supervision of the election in Egypt is the Egyptian Committee for Election Supervision. This committee was founded two weeks ago by Sacd al-Din Ibrāhīm´s Ibn Khaldoun center, and six other associations.
President Bush has demanded that Egypt accept international supervision of the forthcoming elections. Before responding to this demand, the report entitled "Preparing for the elections: there is always time for transparency" needs revision. The report was issued by the Organization for Security and...
Francis Ricciardone has asserted that his first priority as U.S. Ambassador to Egypt is to help the Egyptian people achieve democracy and freedom. Concerning official interference in the editing of school textbooks, the American ambassador confirmed that he will pressurize the Egyptian government...
Four coalitions have announced their participation in the monitoring project.
Hours after President Mubārak announced his candidacy in the presidential elections, the Holy Synod met to sign a document pledging allegiance to Mubārak.
The Muslim Brotherhood reports that it has received a proposal from the government, in which Secretary General Mahmoud cIzzat and prominent leader cIsām al-cIryan would be released from prison in exchange for the Brotherhood’s support of President Mubārak in the forthcoming election. The Muslim...
Dr. Muhammad Sayyid Habīb, deputy to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide, said that the Brotherhood opposes participation in anti-Mubārak demonstrations.
Before he traveled to the US, Pope Shenouda III talked to al-Ahrām about the next presidential elections and discussed many issues in Egypt and abroad.


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