Displaying 81 - 90 of 120.
The author encourages Egyptians to register for voting cards and to participate in the democratization of Egypt.
The Cairo-based al-Kalima Center for Human Rights has issued its annual report on the political events of 2005, including syndicate, presidential and parliamentary elections. The report calls for respecting the rights of religious minorities in Egypt, including Shiites, Bahā’īs and Qur’ānīs.
Youssef Sidhom looks forward to a new year dedicated to national reconciliation, and equal citizenship rights.
The author argues that the Brotherhood’s success in the parliamentary elections is an indication of people’s dissatisfaction with the status quo, rather than an expression of actual support of the Brotherhood. He provides a plan for political change in Egypt.
The author examines the results of the parliamentary elections, the success of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the possible ways forward for the ruling National Democratic Party.
The author examines the new Egyptian parliament, arguing that Egypt is on the road to reform and that the silent, apathetic, majority must now participate in the political process. He also states that Egyptians should not surrender to fear just because the Muslim Brotherhood controls around 20...
Rose al-Yousuf informed sources has made it clear that an amount of $ 10,000 has been transferred to Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm from a well-known U.S. organization.
A large category of Egyptian society, the Copts, is not represented in parliament, which is embarrassing for Egypt as a whole.
Dr. Nabīl Louqā Bibāwī writes on the passivity of Copts in regard to their participation in the Egyptian political domain.
As parliamentary elections loom, several NGO’s have applied for permission to monitor the polls.


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