Displaying 121 - 130 of 423.
An American report drew attention to the deteriorating state of religious freedom in Egypt since the election of President Sīsī while conceding that he was by far a better alternative to the Muslim Brotherhood. The report went on to praise the tone of religious tolerance that President Sīsī adopted...
In an interview to the American Network Fox News, President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi appealed to the world, saying that Egypt, who had offered humanity a 7000-year old civilization, is now facing a number of challenges, such as the religious discourse, terrorism, and extremism, that have now created...
“History will always remember policemen’s role in keeping the peace and security, and protecting human rights.” This is one of the statements Al-Sisi made in his 30-minute police-glorifying speech during the celebration of Police Day which coincides with the 25 January 2011 Revolution. This is not...
When President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi attended the Judges Day celebration at the High Court of Justice this month, he told an audience of judges and prosecution officials: “I was keen, since I took responsibility, on reaffirming the independence of the judiciary.”
The U.K. Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood called on Egyptian authorities during his meeting with President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi Thursday to review the case of Aljazeera journalists and to take more steps for the political reform.
Six months into his rule, on the first day of 2015, President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi called for a “religious revolution” in a televised speech, while addressing a crowd of largely religious clerics. The room broke into applause.
TV presenter Ahmad Mūsā said that during Mursī’s rule, the former president had ordered Muhammed Ibrāhīm, Minister of Interior at the time, to arrest al-Sīsī who was the Minister of Defense under his mandate. Mūsā added that Ibrāhīm informed al-Sīsī of the former president’s request, which made him...
ʿAbūd al-Zamr, leader of the al-Jāmʿa al-Islāmiyya, accused former President Mursī and Judge ʿAdlī Mansūr, former President in the transitional period after the June 30 revolution, of being the cause of the deterioration of the situation in Egypt. He stated this on his Twitter page.   (4 July, al-...
Egypt's President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi said on Monday that he does not mind criticism, stressing that it is his job to placate disgruntled youths, a day after a cartoonist was arrested for what critics suggest was retaliation for caricatures mocking the former army chief.
U. S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Chairman Robert P. George said that the religious situation in Egypt has “complicated' over the past year, although President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi made 'noteworthy' statements to urge religious reform.


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