Displaying 81 - 90 of 95.
What the Brotherhood achieved in these elections arouses many questions. How were they able to win these 15 seats? How will they act in the parliament? Are they going to cause a clash in the parliament which they entered after exerting such a great effort? Will they exert an effort to issue a law...
The Brotherhood’s success in these elections is sending many messages to the government. First, beside winning 15 seats, they were able to penetrate the siege of the security around the polling stations because they were able to reach the polling centers in different ways. Second, their success was...
In this article, the author exposes writings of Gamal Hamdan who wrote his point of view about the extremist Gama’at Al-Islamya, the religious parties, the state and secularism. The author ends his article by pointing out the solution Hamdan suggested to face the strategy of the enemies of Islam.
The culture seminar that was held on Wednesday evening, in the Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies, under the title "An Islamic party and the freedom of thought and expression", witnessed a heated debate among the participants concerning the possibility of establishing an Islamic party and a...
For the fourth time the banned Moslem Brothers prepares its candidates for the coming People’s Assembly elections. This time the candidates will be standing as individuals and not as part of a list in coalition with other parties, as in previous elections.
Security measures have been taken against the projects of the Islamic parties, which were announced recently. The latest procedures that were taken by the government were to prevent holding a symposium that was called by Mamdouh Ismail, the representative of Al-Shari’a Party.
... I am one of those who believe that all Egyptians are citizens of the state with the same rights and duties. They acquire the characteristic of the Egyptian citizen according to their Egyptian nationality that is the direct and certain result of their birth and upbringing in this land. Their...
Sheikh Omar Abd Al-Rahman, the leader of the Gama’at al-Islamia who is detained in the United Stated, asserted his fatwa that establishing parties by members the Islamic movement is not religiously accepted.
In Egypt, setting up a political organization can be quite an unpleasant experience, especially if one boasts controversial religious credentials. Nevertheless, some former members of the militant Jihad, the group blamed for a series of murders in the 1980s and 1990s including the assassination of...
More than 70 Islamists, once affiliated with the militant Jihad group have announced plans to establish a political party under the name Hezb Al-Shari’a or Islamic Law Party. The Islamists have adopted an agenda that calls for Islamicizing society and opposes the normalization of relations with...


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